Jewish Humour

Jewish Humour

Sunday, September 24, 2023

A priest a pastor and a rabbit …. Are going to give blood!

A priest , a pastor and a rabbit are going to give blood.
The nurse is asks the rabbit

“What blood type are you?”

“I’m probably a type O” says the rabbit! 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bob Hawke epitomising Aussie Irreverence

3 blokes - an Aussie, Englishman and Frenchman get caught by the natives - on a canoe that they found  while hiking in the Andes - the chief says to teach peoples lesson not to steal their canoe - they will be killed - and their skin to be used to make a canoe!!! 

They are offered one last wish before they die - 

The Englishman asks for a knife and kills himself saying - I’m not going to die at the hands of these people - and  he kills himself - Kapoosh - stabbing him in the heart - saying God Save the Queen 

The Frenchman  asks for a knife and kills himself saying - I’m not going to die at the hands of these people - and he  too kills himself - saying Viva La France 

The Aussie  asks for a fork and stabs himself all over saying - no fuckin person is gonna use my skin as a canoe! 

Monday, September 11, 2023

A bluffers Guide to going to Shul

  • Worried about looking like a lemon (or worse) in shul? 
  • Finding the service impossible to follow?

 "Shul Rules" is your ten step guide to synagogue confidence.

1. If you arrive after the start don't sit down right away, but instead open a siddur (prayer book) near its beginning (remember we read right-to-left) and spend 2 or 3 minutes turning slowly through the pages while mumbling under your breath. If you recognize any of the Hebrew words, say one or two of them a little louder so those around you can hear that you know a thing or two.

2. Ideally, find a seat just behind someone who looks like they know what's going on. (You can tell this person because they are likely to be mumbling to themselves under their breath). Make sure this person is using the same prayer book as you. Keep a note of what page they are on by casually glancing over their shoulder every now and again.

3. When putting on the tallit (prayer shawl) wrap it around your head for a few seconds while mumbling under your breath.

4. Sprinkle your time in shul with more barely audible mumbles as you look intently at the pages of your siddur. Again, the odd word, phrase or line spoken accurately and a little louder than the rest will go down very well.

5. Don't jump up whenever the person in front does so. They may be stretching their legs. Instead, wait a moment until a significant proportion of the congregation are standing. In this way, even if they are all stretching their legs you won't look conspicuous.

6. See those guys near the front that are wandering around with an air of assurance? These are the shammosim (beadles). AVOID EYE CONTACT WITH THESE PEOPLE or you may find yourself being asked to do something strange like opening the doors of the Ark or, heaven forbid, say something in Hebrew out loud to everyone.

7. The easiest way to look the part is to 'shockl' (sway back and forth). I have met people who have won international shockling competitions without having a clue about where in the service they were. Advanced shocklers will even shockl when everyone else is sitting. (Of course, sometimes this may be a disguised leg-stretch).

Shockling is an entire lesson in itself but there are two basic forms. The "lateral swing" is usually seen in ultra-orthodox congregations. Here the practitioner is perfectly still from the waist down (feet together, naturally), while the top half of the body repeatedly twists at speed.

The "hammerhead" is more prevalent in mainstream orthodox shuls and, as the name suggests, the congregant looks as if they are trying to bang a nails into the floor with their heads. (I say "their" because women prefer to use this time for kibbitzing or kvelling over the way their grandson shockls.).

Shockling mainly takes place during a silent prayer known as the Amidah. This is about 10 pages during which you have no idea where everyone else is. All you do know is that there are some who would be contenders for the world speed-reading record whilst others, the truly devout, who really read every letter as though it were their last. You know when it starts because everyone takes three steps back, then three steps forward, then they bow. This is your cue to start shockling while turning the pages of your prayer book approximately every 15 seconds. The end of the silent Amidah is signaled by everyone taking three short steps back, bowing to the left, the right and the centre and then looking round to see who won.

8. Is the Rabbi speaking in English and yet you can't understand what he's going on about? If so, this is the sermon and it's your job to look alive. Paying attention to the sermon is a skill that may take many years to master rather in the way that one learns how to complete cryptic crosswords. The formula for this particular puzzle is fairly simple: The narrative of Torah portion you have just heard plus something from local or national news equals "you should go to shul more regularly" or "your home isn't kosher enough".

9. Feel free to talk to people near you at any time. Business, sports and general gossip are particularly appropriate topics of conversation. Seeking kavanah (intention to do mitzvot, good deeds) and listening to the sermon will be regarded with suspicion in most communities.

10. If you can keep your cool until the end of the service you will be rewarded. At last something that is familiar, and a chance to clear your throat and give it some as you bash out Ein Kelohaynu and Adon Olam just like you did at cheder all those years ago.

One final word of Warning. If it goes well and you feel confident enough to go back for a second week running you will be classified as a regular. This means there is a very good chance you will be asked to be the next President of the shul.

A way to sell more ribbon

Yellow Ribbon 

שנה טובה

The Jewish peddler, Yankel Goldstein, in his late 80s and still gainfully employed as a ribbon salesman, has been trying, unsuccessfully, to sell ribbon to Macy's for many years.

Last week, he made another attempt to speak with the anti-Semitic buyer.

"Goldstein," the buyer says, "you've been trying to sell me ribbon for at least 25 years. Now is your chance. Send me enough yellow ribbon to reach from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis."

Three days later, four tractor trailers full of yellow ribbon drive up to Macy's receiving dock. The ribbon buyer goes ballistic. 

He calls Goldstein and yells, "What's going on??? I only ordered enough yellow ribbon to reach from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis, and you send me four truck loads full of it!"

Goldstein replies calmly: "The tip of my penis is in Poland."

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Gotta Luv Israel

A Rabbi, priest and minister are caught playing poker

A rabbi, a priest, and a minister are playing poker when the cops raid the game. 

The lead officer questions the priest,
 “Father Murphy, were you gambling?”
Father Murphy silently asks God to forgive him for what he is about to say. “No, Officer. I was not gambling.”

The cop turns to the minister, 
“Pastor Johnson, were you gambling?”
Pastor Johnson also appeals to Heaven. “No, Officer. I was not gambling.”

The cop finally turns to the rabbi.
 “Rabbi Goldstein, were you gambling?”
“Gambling?” he asks, glancing at the priest and the minister.  “With who?”