Jewish Humour

Jewish Humour

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This is a brilliant 6 minutes in a nutshell by Douglas Murray - with my commentary

This blog is a blog of Jewish Jokes ….

However occasionally there is a brilliant song or speech that really resonates with me.

This commentary by Douglas Murray  on this current “Nakba” caused by the massive  attack on Israel on October 7- where over 1000 citizens were murdered and raped and taken hostage from their houses! 

Why was there not an outcry of rage for this Nakba?

Was it because this massacre was against Jews? 

Why were there demonstrations around the world - the day after this massacre - with crowds burning Israeli flags saying f the Jews , dirty Zionist pigs, Zionist rats - they should be eradicated - they are evil !!! 

This was even before Israel went into Gaza to destroy this evil and bring the hostages home! 

This is not about Netanyahu , or Palestinians having their own state ….this has been on the table since the tiny state of Israel was declared a state in 1948.
Murray reminds us of a comment by the late Rabbi Sacks - Antisemitism is a timeless virus - the Jews have been hated over the centuries for their religion, their race ,  for being rich or poor , for being communists and for being capitalists - for being stateless and now for having a state .

Zionism - is merely the right for Jews to have self determination in their homeland .

Why would someone be an anti Zionist ?

Who would protect the Jews 

The Spanish ? The Italians? The South African ANC? the Arab world ? 

Douglas Murray poignantly points out - that the only people who will defend the Jewish People - are the Jewish People ! 

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