Jewish Humour

Jewish Humour

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Singing and demonstrating for peace and love vs war cries !!

Enough is enough. 

  • You can yell and scream catchy rhyming chants, 
  • You can attempt to rewrite history, 
  • You can choose to remain tik tok educated and deny reality, 
  • You can choose to cover your face and look eerily similar to the savage killers of 7 Oct, 
  • You can cheer for more terrorist atrocities to wipe out my family and my people, 
  • You can run amok in city squares and on uni campuses and disrupt people’s lives, 
  • You can gaslight Jews by telling them what is and isn’t antisemitism, 
  • You can tear apart social cohesion and the very fabric of the great country in which we live, 

but know this, 

  • we will NEVER cower, 
  • we will ALWAYS stand tall as proud Australian Jews and proud supporters of Israel, 
  • we WILL overcome your hate as we’ve done many times in our history and 
  • we WILL ALWAYS sing and pray for peace*.

Now for the University leaders to muster up the courage and clarity to deal with the disgraceful hate-filled sights and sounds of antisemitism and ensure a safe campus and educational experience for all students.

🇮🇱🇦🇺 Am Yisrael Chai!🎗️

Stand up against antisemitism! 

Meaning of Hebrew song being sung: Peace (Shalom, Salaam) will yet come, upon us all. 

See also

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