Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Jewish Barbie for sale

The last time I was I New York, my daughter requested that I bring back a Barbi doll. So I stopped in a toy store in the Jewish area and started looking around.
      "How much is this Barbie doll set?"
      "$19.95." the Jewish merchant answered.
      "How much is the set here, Barbie at the beach?"
      "Also $19.95."
      I eyed another set, "how much is Barbie in the discotecque?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "And this one here, Barbie at home?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "Well, what about this one, Barbie goes shopping?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "O.K., how about this, Barbie gets married?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "And this, Barbie plays tennis?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "What about this one. Barbie get a Bat Mitzvah?"
      "Also $19.95."
      I eyed the last one and hoping for a lower price asked, "How much is this, Barbie gets a divorce?"
      "Ah, dots $199.95!"
      "Wow, why so much?"
      "Vell, dot comes vit Ken’s car, Ken’s wardrobe, Ken’s house, und, Ken’s benk account!"

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