Saturday, February 27, 2021

Golf or an affair?

Another one from Andrew Cohen

Slight of foot . . . 

Moshe is having an affair with his secretary Kate and one afternoon, she persuades him to leave work early and go to her place for an hour or so. He agrees. 
Whilst they are enjoying themselves, Moshe suddenly notices the time. He quickly takes off his shoes, goes into Kate's garden, and rubs them for a couple of minutes on the grass and mud. He then puts them back on and drives home to his wife Naomi. 
"So where have you been, you shmuck?" shouts Naomi as soon as he walks through the door. "I've been trying to contact you all afternoon, but your iphone was off and no one in your office knew where you were."
"I'm an honest person, darling, and I can't lie to you," replies Moshe. "I've been with my secretary all afternoon at her place."
But Naomi takes one look at his shoes and shouts, "You lying momzer. You fershtinkener. You've been out playing golf again, haven't you?"

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