Saturday, December 16, 2023

Bill Maher on the Israel - Palestinian conflict

Some classics 

  • What we need is a real dose of realism 
  • Palestine was under the Ottoman empire for 400 years and now an ottoman is something you put under your feet 
  • People move - humans aren’t nice !! - 1923 1m Greeks out of Turkey .
  • Jews kicked out of every Arab country and European pogroms !!! Fiddler on the roof as they left “Oy, this place it isn’t so great anyway - we’ll fiddle somewhere else!!!”
  • East Jerusalem could’ve been a Palestinian state  that competes with Dubai - but they chose to fight - “from the river to the sea”  Spoiler alert , Israel and its 7 million Jewish citizens aren’t going anywhere - they like their bagel with a shmeer - get used to it!  
  • If you think you’re going to move the 7 million Jews - there’s gonna be some kvetching - where you gonna put them Texas? Mind you you can move them with the wailing wall and kill 2 birds with 1 stone ! 


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