Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Horace Lim - A conversation with an antisemite


30/11/2022 Anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel - a 2000-year-old dream became reality: A Jewish State was born anew in its ancient homeland.

It just so happenned that on this day I ended an interesting conversation with a rampant antisemite ... 

Unedited - but ther are some absolute gems for the MIchael Kretzmer next Blockbuster !!  

I have known Horace for 20 years. A pleasant smart likable fellow in the outside - until you scratch the surface



this MUST end... but the way to do it is NOT for IDF to continue targeted killings in-order to restart rockets which have stopped since September or October 2011 with onset of Palestine 194 campaign. I am not just a interested by-stander, I have Jewish heritage too... one look at my dark, Shephardic-looking maternal grandfather with a HUGE nose will convince you... And my father is the last living student of Musical God: Georges Enescu, a photo with his colleague Yehudi Menuhin's is in my Home album... inheriting my father's brain allows me to do PRIZM (watch this space)... proving most great innovations are Jewish 

Muslims are as primitive as Jews in the "eye for an eye" department. Those who REALLY want peace should stop throwing stones!!!

see the Cast Lead video I just posted...

best regards, Horace

After a spate of antisemitic anti zionist vitriolic posts on facebook 

18 Nov 2023, 16:01

You sent


I thought you were a person who could understand the problems and be part of a solution to solving a problem that seems so difficult to solve - but in reality is so easy ….

I am really disappointed in you … 

Below is an article that popped on my Facebook feed from 2011…. I have put this on my YouTube …. Of course you will disregard  it  - but you know that is the truth 

This popped in my feed from 11/11/2011. a great explanation by David  Cramer of the  Israel/Palestinian conflict. It is easy to describe the problem  - but so hard to solve!

One side does not accept the right for the other to exist! -

You are part of the problem …..

And yet in the history of the world , 

this land has always been a place where Jews have lived.

Re your map in your headline - imagine if those countries could live in peace, prosper, innovate and be a light to the world showing how people can live together …..

If Israel put down their weapons - the Jews in the area would be slaughtered 

If the Palestinians and surrounding states put down their weapons - and recognised that Israel has the right to exist - there would be peace .


Trying to get me to invest in one of his ventures 😁😁😁😁😀

In 2012 Facebook made a $1.2B profit by sacking 1/3 of staff, using a PE of 84 they attained a $100B market cap. Immediately post Saudi deal (if not Qatar or UAE) PRZiM will have a $40B val but from 1 company in Indonesia we have 170m x $1/sub/mth = $2040m PROFIT — this is all because I am using most of the $ to sequester carbon, we drive $64/Ha to $7087/Ha in 10 years — I am working with the son of Zimbabwe famous scientist called Allan Savory… watch the cued video… I know in 10 yaesr we can achieve 288ppm!!!  Using cattle + Clean Energy that’s like circa 1800s pre-industrial revolution

This is from Primum Non Nocere (1st do no harm)

OMG alias PNN:  One Mighty Gigaton or Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)  is the latest incarnation of PRZiM's societal spending plan.  Industrialised Agriculture loses 3 tonnes of topsoil for every 1 tonne of food produced and the world has lost 50-60% of our topsoil releasing 1500 Giga tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere. Our mission is to create the world’s largest buyer of organic carbon sequestered into soils thru the use of Regenerative Agriculture and Holistic Management. PRZiM plans to divert 2 revenue “pieces of 17%” previously allocated towards Device Makers and Mobile Telecom operators as the acquisition of devices previously paid for by telcos thru CPGA subsidies (cost per gross adds) is now handled via PRZiM’s Consortium Bank.  2 pieces saved is 2 x $38.8 billion = $77.6 billion plus a $1/week contribution by PRZiM members matched by PRZiM Foundation is 2 x $14.7 billion, the total available funds for Carbon Sequestration is $107 billion per year for PRZiM MEdia Systems USA (alone). This is the DEMAND side. OMG will be working with farmers, graziers, land owners, traditional land owners, scientists and universities, local and state Governments as well as a multitude of organisations to embed ReGenerative techniques to develop the SUPPLY side of the Carbon Farming business. We do not see this as a “training and evangelical” process but more akin to an all-encompassing McDonald’s of Carbon Farming. We train and educate but we will provide a support organisation to ensure a “franchisee” buying into our system is operational and self-sufficient before we leave. It is in the interest of all stakeholders for a “franchisee” to be successful in sequestering carbon. We understand front-end investment is required for farmers to switch to no-till, cover crops, and not using chemical pesticides. Importantly OMG is willing to INVEST in farmers who want to join the sustainable sector and produce food that can be sold as organic and ReGen, while repairing the land by sequestering carbon. In Australia, a typical beef farmer’s yield is about $38/Ha/year… based on only 4 tonnes per Hectare of Carbon Sequestered @ $10/tonne it is possible for farmers to earn a further $98/Ha/year essentially more than tripling their income. Our mission is to sequester 10-20 Gigatons of Carbon Dioxide, the amount released thru the burning of fossil fuels each year. We believe EVEN climate sceptics will embrace the new PRZiM mission because everyone “support the farmers who feed us” who are under so much pressure.  In USA 50% of 2.1 million farmers make less than US$10,000. PRZiM now intends to supplement the production of carbon negative biochar using waste wood to make the world’s BEST fertiliser which allowed Amazonian Indians to grow crops in the poor yellow soils. We also intend to commercialise Prof. Frank Shu’s patented invention using “Supertorrefaction” to produce biochar in 10 mins rather than 8-10 hours.





By the way, recall I queried your 10x… I persuaded Macquarie to back Looksmart which got about 100x, the man I helped became Chairman of MTFM, Macquarie Tech Funds Mgmt… I wanted as my CEO.

Aibaba gave 1625x to Softbank/Masayoshi… At $210B we are giving 1932x just via the 0.92% but the $1m is a 100% tax deduction. BUT if I reach $21B profit we will return 6568.8x multiple!  I am sure tio get C1 because we save telcos 98-99% of switching costs — all software, 100% cloud scalable, no entry or exit fees!!!

All this because of a musical background & my hero Steve Jobs (I did repay him & helped NeXT be acquired by Apple for $450m in 1996 8 Dec but it took till 2018 to reach $1T, 2020 $2T, 2021 $3T)… Part of the reason why I can “pull this off”

Mascagni Rusticana Intermezzo 


This is from my father’s chapter… his colleague was Menuhin, Kogan was the greatest soviet violinist in 20 century…

(IK ... ANd here it comes ....)

BTW Palestinians were the Jews who converted to Islam to avoid the Jizya tax (on Jews & Christians). Palestinians ARE the Jews so they are also my people!!!

Why should they pay for the crimes of European anti-semites in WW2.  I always had a problem with the old name Bluebox, when I knew it rubbed religious non-Zionist Jews the wrong way — Jewish National Fund, it owned 13% of Israel and typically would “buy” the homes of ethnically cleansed Palestinians so PRIVATE hands to allow Israeli Govt to look the other way!

NEVER any intention of allowing Arabs to return!

Jizya tax was a “head tax”… pay it & we let you keep your head for another year — I’ve had a NOT 360 degree chage from anti-Zionist to Zionist to anti-Zionist again

secular Theodor Herzl was PERFECTLY happy to move “Israel” to Rhodesia or Uganda… but he got outvoted!!!

That’s how the CURSE of Israel started… The secular Zionist used ISRAEL to claim EVERY Jew religious or non religious!!!  If you are a French Jew, born French, why can Israel claimj you as an Israeli?  The orthodox don’t want anything to State of Israel especially as it is run as a Terrorist Genocide state with ethnic cleansing!!!

Justice MUST be restored…

Jews want to be the light, we are now the cause of darkness!!!

Christion Zionists were the original ones that spurned Zionism — so they can have their Rapture & Armageddon, ONLY 400 Jews will survice when Jesus returns.

The Christian Zionists are HOPING for Nuclear War so Jesus returns

I am the beneficaiary of SO MANY miracles starting from missing out on a scholarship to Paris at 13 when I played for 1 of the BEST cellists Paul Tortelier, so I didn’t turn professional. the BW last desk cello is me!  This film is worth watching… made by a Jew Max Blumenthal… I always say don’t blame slaves for a slave revolt!!!

WE are the cause of their misery… 76 years is enough!  There needs to be 1 secular state called Palestine

IK (why not 1 secular Middle East called “Middle East” 

You NEED to watch this 

Zionism is to blame Killing civilians by Indiscriminate dropping bombs is a WAR CRIME. German Generals were hung by the neck until dead... Israeli Generals will also be hung by the neck until dead.

IK 0 every Hamas or Palestinian who blasted a rocket is in this category 

Original message:

WE are the cause of their misery… 76 years is enough!  There needs to be…

  • Hamas’s charter is to kill every Jew …. If Jews put down their  weapons in Israel - they would be exterminated …
  • If Palestinians and Hamas put down their weapons and recognised Israel as a state - their would be peace! 

  • Gaza was part of Egypt
  • West Bank were part of Jordan .
  • Best they take the territories back and look after the people

Their misery is caused by bad leadership - only focussed on Israel’s demise

Original message:

That’s how the CURSE of Israel started… The secular Zionist used ISRAEL …

Bullshit - if Israel is focussed on ethnic cleansing - they’ve done a really bad job - The population in Gaza and Westbank have increased from 1m to 5m since 1948!

Original message:

You NEED to watch this 

Zionism is to blame…

IK - Would be good for you to get your criminal friends to return the hostages !!! And know not to murder rape and defile women babies and children ……And to not use fellow Gazans as human shields …


There has been MANY hostage exchanges… Hamas wants to use hostages to exchange 5000 prisoners 1500 of whom are held without charge (administrative detention). 

IF hostage exchange were to happen now — despite calling for it, there would necessarily be a cease fire… NOT in Netanyahu’s interest, he needs the conflict to continue inorder to be PM of Israel… every night hundreds go to his house outside demonstrating for him to resign!!!


You may be older than me but have you actually examined the charter of Likud?

They believe a Palestinian state would threaten Israel — hence $400m funneled thru Qatar to ensure Hamas would win against Secular Fatah in West Bank.  In the last month 30-40 West Bank arabs have been killed — and there is NO HAMAS.  So clearly this is NOT about Hamas despite Oct 7, Leviathan Gas fields, Ben Gurion Canal, & Netanyahu avoiding resignation. Even the US wants him to stop now because US knows, 30,000 rockets from Hezbollah will widen the conflict!

The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)

a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.

b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace.


Ethnic Cleansing is a fools errand, because it’s 21st Century and it can’t be done in secret ANYMORE not that they didn’t try repeat the Armenian genocide

Would Israel allow UN to disarm BOTH sides?  Clearly not… if 1 side can be armed (with tanks aircraft & nuclear bombs) WHY must the other side’s AK47s be taken away?

Anyway I am attempting to solve a problem NOT just maintain “my country right or wrong” so Israel can do no wrong!  I know (as a Jew) just how devious Jews can get!!!  Just as I don’t fully trust Chinese… in Melbourne I was deceived by a Rabbi — the friend of a person I called my brother!!!  Well he got $50,000 AU from me (their $1m cheque bounced). BUT because of that I was NOT in Boston on the Sunday of 2013 toi stand on the steps of the library of the Boston Marathon bombing!!!  I visited in Jan 2014 & YES a piece of street furniture was thrown across the street & would have killed me!!!

My “Jewish brother” missed out on 0.1-0.25% of PRZiM $210B at IPO 2025

That’s what i called punishment, handed out by God!


I converted to Christianity a few years ago, we do the “turn othert the cheek” — “an eye for an eye” (or 100 eyes for an eye as what Israel does is counterproductive because you can’t KILL an ideology like Hamas — only justice can get this to stop!  Israel can’t wipe out 2.3 million Palestinians or the 25 million in surrounding Arab countries

If you peruse my FB pages I have posted videos which debunks the “killing 40 babies BS” — infantile BS as a desperate attempt to get sympathy for Israel (Hasbara)


In last last year’s “great march of return” IDF snipers deliberately killed or “amputated” hundreds of peaceful demonstrators so Palestinians DID TRY the peace thing!!!  You may not want to hear that because it makes it impossible to support Israel but Jews, Hareetz, holocaust survivor descendants are reporting that NOT just international or Arab press!!


The 0.92% of PRZiM I mentioned may turn out to be $1932m at IPO… but I think $7150m is more likely — that’s to KEEP “them” busy and creating a future for Palestinians “near Ramallah”


Job creation can do wonders!!!  At present all they can think about is restarting the Intifada!!!

Will that make ANY Israeli safer?  I don’t think so

19 Nov 2023, 18:36

You sent

The Washington Post reports that Israel, the US and Hamas have agreed to a tentative deal that would free dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, in exchange for a five-day pause in fighting.

Under the terms of the agreement, all parties to the conflict would freeze combat operations for at least five days while an initial 50 or more hostages are released in batches every 24 hours.

The stop in fighting is also intended to allow a significant increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance.


GREAT news… Israel has about 4500 prisoners in various jails, 

perhaps that can lead to a permanent cease fire?

Do you know Hamas WANTS IDF to do a ground attack & waiting in the rubble for a urban massacre of IDF troops… Hamas are WAITING, just as in Stalingrad, the Wiermach BEGGED the Luffwaffe not to bomb the city which made it even harder to take. Eventually Stanlingrad cost Germany (plus Italy, Romania, Hungary) 850,000 casualties — the defenders ALWAYS have the advantage. IDF troops are conscripts who mostly do policing!

Original message:

GREAT news… Israel has about 4500 prisoners in various jails, 

perhaps t…

  • They are in Jails because they have terrorised Israel…. They are not innocent !!!
  • The hostages are children  - Hamas slaughtered 1400 peace loving innocents - most wanting to help - and not supporting bibi - butchering them - while you and your cohorts were celebrating ! 

A disgrace to humanity !

You sent

Israel is a Jewish state - a tiny piece of land - which enables our people to feel safe! 

Just as many Palestinians may have left in 1948 - 100s of thousands of Jews had to pack and leave their homes in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Syria , Iran and Iraq - with the clothes on their back - where are they to go? 

Israel was largely a desert - that Israelis did good with! 

Let them be - let the Arab neighbours live in peace with them so that the region can thrive - that’s the dream! 

People like you spew hate

You sent

And that’s after 6m of our people were massacred - they had nowhere to go!

You sent

Israel, Palestine, the Middle East , the various kingdoms etc - had always had Jews living in the land …. It is a home and a sacred place - just as Mecca is a home for Muslims ! 

No human is perfect - however The Jewish values and in turn the values that Israel tries to adhere are good values - and align with most religions - 

Based on Peace and treating your neighbour the way you want to be treated.

Let’s hope that the IDF soldiers can protect our people from annihilation which Hamas is striving to do

20 Nov 2023, 00:00


Mark Regev went on BBC to reduce that to 1200 3 days ago… 400 of them are IDF so that’s 800. When IDF arrived with tanks and helicopters they fired indiscriminately on the rave party mot knowing who was who… roughly 400 civilians dead. That leaves 400 and the exchange is about 250…

It matters NOT what happened in Europe, it was the European anti-semites who perpetrated the crimes of Nazi Germany, Ukraine at Babi Yar where the Ukrainians gleefully slaugheterd Jews when the German Waffen SS couldn’t go thru with the murder the Galician Waffen SS 14th volunteer division GLADLY took the place of German Nazis… THESE are the Stepan Bandera followers which the Russians are battling right now in Ukraine!

The British did a deal with Chaim Weitzman to get his formula for nitrocellulose in WW1 & the 2nd Lord Rothchild used the situation to bribe the UK Government to push forward the idea of Palestine BUT the condition was NOT to hurt the Arabs — I suspect there concern for Arabs was NOT a real concern but make the letter look better. The original reason why the UK wanted to use Jewish immigration was to improve the British “gains” post the Sykes-Picot agreement with vs France. Europeans cheated the Arabs & did what they did in Africa and Asia.

Just addressing your mention of Jews leaving Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria with the “clothes on their backs” — the FEAR was largely created by Zionists!  I have met 1 of the Rabbis who did extensive research which included interviews of JEWS sent to scare with violence & attack Jews while dressed as Arabs!!!  This was similar to scaring Arabs to flee Israel by killing villagers in Deir Yassin. Are the Zionists capable of such dirty tricks? HELL YES…  King David hotel bombing, murdering British policemen, are ALL “variation on a theme” — If Jews can do that WHY can’t Hamas or PLO do that? They are RESISTING OCCUPATION — it is the Occupier who under International law CANNOT cite “self defense”. Do look it up… 

As to Israel is “such a small piece of land” — that’s like some thieves and squatter throwing YOU out of your house at midnight, saying their ancestors owned it 2000 years ago then telling you this is only 1 house, so you can still live in the same suburb but NOT in your own house!!!

(IK - this is what Arab states did to jews between 1900 and 2010!!)

The land may have had Jews living there for eternity, but import a million from Jews from Europe? That’s called DISPLACEMENT and Ethnic Cleansing done WITHOUT their consent…

(Ik- A State has the ability to bring in as many or as few immigrants a they desire if its for the good of their citizens )

(IK - That’s an injustice that needs to be FIXED… what is that injustice - and how do you propose it is fixed - do you send the 800k Jews back to Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen etc? 

The Israel is a desert that Jews help build up is NO DIFFERENT to Terra Nulius in Australia!  Australia was NOT a no-man’s land, just because we classified Aborigines as flora and fauna — Eddie Mabo won the court case 200 years later, Israel has only existed since May 1948!!!

IK - what existed before? 

My PNN project will be working with 250 First Nations to buy-back the land & create employment, the first project is 1.1 million hectares on 5 farms in QLD.

Like I said, don’t blame slaves for a slave revolt — blame the injustice of slavery… did you watch “Killing Gaza”?  If you had to live like that wouldn’t YOU go kill some Israeli Settlers terrorising you every day?

The supremacists Settlers MANY from USA are some of the most vile people I have ever met — I will find you a Norman Finkelstein video discussing the Nat Turner Slave Revolt in Virginia


I do think I am wasting my time… your view is “my country right or wrong” --- this cannot be solved by GENOCIDE and Ethnic cleansing shooing Gaza’s population to Egypt of Jordan!!!


  • Finkelstein on Gaza vs Nat Turner slave revolt
  • shorter version
  • Ethically &n morally Israel-Palestine is NOT a complex issue — you just have to think like a HUMAN & not a Jew
  • The cued video at 6min
  • Norman’s parents who were actually in Auswitcz would NEVER condemn the slaves for a slave revot!!!

At 10 mins… “if we are going to die… we will take some of THEM with us”!!!\

Abolitionists also REFUSE to condemn the slaves!!!

I will also share a comment from the video…

Mr. Finkelstein and Katie, Thank you for your input about this moral dilemma. I was 8 years old in 1948, and I remember my grandfather being uncharacteristically apoplectic about the theft of Palestine. Since then, I have supported unequivocally, the Free Palestine movement. I am biased, I have been angry. Yesterday, a Palestinian friend posted a photo of 10 members of his family, dead, wrapped in sheets with nowhere to bury them. It was the small, bloody bundles that put me over the edge. At that moment, I lost my capacity to care anything about the Zionists, or even the Israelis. I am trying to feel something besides grief and hatred; I'm not sure I can.

20 Nov 2023, 11:47

You sent

So many of your comments are so distorted that it’s is scary!!! 

To name a few:-

1. Jews from Europe - ethnic cleansing - Jews started in Israel - and through various occupations were dispersed around the world - the diaspora - their heritage can be traced 3000 years

2. The purge of Jews from Neighbouring Arab states - them wanting to leave - what a joke - they had their assets taken from them - but they moved on - and found a solution . The Nakhba - was not solely a Palestinian problem

3. Those Palestinians who chose to stay in Israel are now citizens - many of those who left under a promise that they could return when Israel is annihilated - 

4. Re genocide - the only attempted genocide is from the Hamas criminals and murderers - they knew the ramifications of their actions - and did not care - Israel’s response is to defend its citizens and ensure that this atrocity does not happen again .

Whether what they are doing is right or wrong for Israel - time will tell

20 Nov 2023, 12:48


Look Ivan, you obviously KNOW what you know and any additional doesn’t matter… 

Israel is a British Company setup by Rothchilds (Bankers to the world & the Vatican). 

Genocide is NOT my definition, there are so many famous experts who say so… Israel is the ONLY that has rfeceived 34 UN Security Council vetoes so they think they don’t HAVE to behave like other nations… Israel’s (an eye for 100 eyes) response to Oct 7 was expected by Hamas — so THEY got exactly what they wanted, making ANY resumption of “business as usual” 100% impossible bc the Arab rulers “cross their people angry about Gaza massacres” do so at their own risk. Israel COULD have killed the 2-state solution once & for all but instead I now believe there will only be a 1-state solution… 1 state for ALL the inhabitants Israeli and Palestinian.

Clearly there is NO amount of information I can put forward to you when your immovable attitude is ONLY driven by “my people right or wrong I need to support them”.  The likes of Mark Regev and Benjamin Netanyahu are clearly headed for the International Criminal Court, where the South African Judge Goldstein pronounced the crimes against humanity in 2008 “dirty war” Operation Cast Lead after months of investiogation. 

Pointless to argue further — it’s a substitute for achievement.

a short monologue Israel are war criminals. bombing hospitals HOPING 4 Hamas HQ like fishing expedition Mass murder must be prosecuted

Fri 18:55

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TikTok · Ivan Kaye215

Fri 21:35


Despite not wanting to engage in discussions about “whataboutisms” of Douglas Murray I will offer you this. Phil Anderson doesn’t know ANYTHING so he can only listen to Murray’s rave without ANY comments!  First of all, the Arab-Jewish conflict is just a trope, I can show you testimonial videos of Jews & Arabs looking after each others children — but dumping 1 million European Jews in Palestine caused HUGE resentment, this was done without their consent or agreement. Europe, USA, Canada didn’t want these Jews despite accepting 

HUGE immigrant populations from Germany, Ireland, Nordic countries, Italy — but Jews?  No one wanted them, this was an arrangement made with Rothchilds & Zionists powers to ensure they ONLY went to Palestine — I had this verified by Lithuanian Rabbis who denounced this “Strategy”.

(IK - this is exactly why a Jewish homeland where Jews can feel safe and thrive is so important) 


The reason why no one is in the streets re Syria is US is the #1 funding source for “Free Syrian Army FSA who are working with ISIS & Al Qaeda (both US funded via CIA). Syria was fighting to keep their country & only with the help of Iran and Russia will succeed to repel the US backed regime change!!!  Yemen’s Shia-Sunni conflict has largely ended by Chinese FM Wang Yi spending 1 month of diplomacy to get Iranian-Saudi rapprochement & resuming diplomatic relations. I don’t know enough about the Pakistan deportations to offer you much of an opinion… apart from 2 million are Afghan undocumented migrants are a mass drain on the economically stressed Pakistan & there are also major conflicts between the Taliban Government of Afghanistan & Pakistan. 

Why don’t Arab countries take more refugees? According to UN 5.6 MILLION live in 68 refugee camps in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and West Bank. So this is YET another falsehood promoted by paid mouthpieces like Murray. These are the refugees which under International Humanitarian Law should be allowed to return as per Dec 2000 mediated by Clinton, which Arafat agreed requiring concessions. Israel refused ALL not willing to any concessions. I will attach a very succint discussion. The VAST MAJORITY of Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syriam, Lebanon CANNOT cross back into Gaza or West Bank because Israel controls the totality of the land borders.  The Palestinians who refuse to evacuate thru the Rafa Crossing KNOW if they leave Israel will NOT let them return, so they will be even MORE stranded…

I have also learnt that Gaza & West Bank are not eliminated, means Gas & Oil resources Israel wants will need to be shared with Palestine (making them stronger) also, the Ben Gurion Canal can then also be built straight THRU Gaza — saving billions

IK - there are 5.6m Palestinian refugees in Arab countries - AND 5M PALESTINIANS IN GAZ AND WESTBANK. 

FROM 1M Palestinians in 1948 to 10m in 2023 - thats not ethnic cleansing 

What is ethnic cleansing is 800k in 1948 in surrounding Arab Countries - to less than 5000 in 2023 !! (Have broken this down Country by Country)

Horace Prof. Norman Finkelstein whom I want as a member of my ARM Leadership Group of 89 is the son of Holocaust survivors (Auschwitz & Majdanek Lublin). This is a scholar who uses facts to argue from a principled position — he is a literal saint & clearly a Righteous Jew

One more thing about Douglas Murray… he can’t come out and say it but what he is REALLY upset about is UK is turning into a “brown country” — migrants from past colonies India, Pakistan, West Indies, Nigeria, Hong Kong etc etc… Murray is DEEPLY resentful of that but 400 years of colonial & imperial expansion is what made UK one of the wealthiest in the world, just from India it was 45 TRILLION dollars

And the British let famines kill MILLIONS in India, Ireland, etc etc…

Fri 22:44


There are around 4 million Afghans living in Pakistan, 1.7m undocumented. 17 of 24 suicide attacks have been perpetrated by Afghans.

With 2m Afghans gone, Pakistan is hoping to see a fall in unemployment

I hope you will listen to Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro who explains why Zionism is racism (cued at 72m)


Why no demonstrations of the 100s of thousands killed in Syria and Yemen? Why do you think no demonstrations about the corrupt govt in Eritrea and other African countries where people are starving

….. and huge demonstrations against Israel … who are effectively defending their right to survive - where people like you and definitely people like Hamas don’t believe they have a right to survive —— .

The only criminals - in my view in this war is Hamas and Palestinian leaders who instead of looking after their people - are trying to find ways to eradicate Jews from Israel. Here’s hoping that they don’t

Arabs killing arabs is ok- seen as an internal affair- Jews VsArabs is a very different story. Much more complex.

Black Vs Blacks in Congo interests no one-White vs Black huge story.

Jews being evicted from Arab Countries is OK … because you understand whyPoles hate the Jews? 

Original message:

There are around 4 million Afghans living in Pakistan, 1.7m undocumented…

Sounds a lot like Israel : Palestine

Sun 07:06

You sent

Please do not tag me on your warped delusional posts. I do not agree nor do I want to be seen to agree with them ! Horace you are a disgrace

ALL these 15,000 righteous Jews are also a disgrace? 

Jews have religious heroes Zionists have military heroes

You hate the Jews

You said “hitler should have finished them off” …. You are worse than a criminal

You said “ The stink on the Jews is never going to wash off. There's no tolerating their putrid philosophy nor their cowardly actions. Frankly, the world would be better off without them. That they deliberately go after women and babies and celebrate each death in song condemns them as a people. Their behaviour is beyond barbaric, it just sick. There's no excuse for them.”

“If it comes to pass that Israel so disgusts their Western allies they lose support from all but the US, Israel is done. It will be no more and the Jews will never be 'given' a country again. They are a destructive, poisonous force in the world that needs to be removed. That they own most of the governments around the world is a major concern. It means that to appropriately address the Jewish problem, these governments need to be purged.”

WHEN did I say that?  That’s Nikki Haley’s line…

Does your mind need to twist stuff like that to help you resolve that I am a bad person?

How many stones have you placed at Jewish cemetaries (carrying stones between different cemetaries)?

 On the contrary I LOVE the Jews… Parts of PRZiM Primum Non Nocere philosophy is based on Tikkun olam… (repair the world). If ad hominem attacks are the only way you can resolve this in your own mind — so be it!

Aren’t 15,000 rabbis ALL Jews? 

Are they ALL crazy?

This is a post about Young American Jews WAKIMG UP 

"There has to be something good about Israel"? Young Jews who rejected the Zionist indoctrination

You sent

You posted this

Implying you agree with this ….


The stink on the Jews is never going to wash off. There's no tolerating their putrid philosophy nor their cowardly actions. Frankly, the world would be better off without them. That they deliberately go after women and babies and celebrate each death in song condemns them as a people. Their behaviour is beyond barbaric, it just sick. There's no excuse for them.

If it comes to pass that Israel so disgusts their Western allies they lose support from all but the US, Israel is done. It will be no more and the Jews will never be 'given' a country again. They are a destructive, poisonous force in the world that needs to be removed. That they own most of the governments around the world is a major concern. It means that to appropriately address the Jewish problem, these governments need to be purged.


If demonising me is the only way YOU can resolve this in your mind so be it — I want my people to be better than (stinking) Zionists no better than Settller Colonialists, doing EXACTLY what Nazis did!!!

You sent

  • You demonise yourself ….. lower than low
  • You are either demented , have a mental illness or a dangerous piece of humanity
  • If your family was threatened by a neighbour and then murdered your children - what would you do ….


As if everything began on Oct 7

By my estimation IDF has lost another 1200 soldiers since Oct 27-Nov 25 (379 tanks + IFVs destroyed) HOW STUPID is that just so 1 Likud PM can extend his war by 2-3 months!!!

Don’t blame the slaves for a slave revolt!!!

Turkey is sending a 1000 boat flotilla to help Gaza… what will IDF do?

IDF killed 10 unarmed volunteers on Mavi Marmara — I know this time Turkish navy will accompany with there ships & 300 Russians will also be aboard

AIPAC so controls Biden he won’t stop Netanyahu… already 95% of the world is against Zionism it will go to 99%


I can provide a list like this… WHO can you provide to counter “finish them” Nikki Haley or Ben Shapiro?

Notable Supporters of Palestine

Prof. Norman Finkelstein,
Prof. Noam Chomsky, 

Ambassador Chas Freeman,
Nelson Mandela,
Bishop Desmond Tutu, 

Trevor Noah,
Albert Einstein, 

Judge Richard Goldstone,
Dr. Ilan Pappe,
Jeff Halper,
Gideon Levy,
Scott Ritter,
Prof. John Mearsheimer,
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs,
Colonel Larry Wilkerson,
Colonel Douglas McGregor,

Judge Andrew Napolitano
Prof. Yanis Varoufakis,
Vijay Prasad,
Max Blumenthal, 

Aaron Mate,

George Galloway,

Chris Hedges,

Ray McGovern,
Abby Martin,
Kim Iverson,
Kate Halper,
Rabbi Yakov Shapiro,
Seymour Hersh,
Cornel West,
John Oliver, 

Jon Stewart,

Stephen Colbert,
Ethan Klein (Israeli), 

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
Prof. Stephen Neff,
Prof. Michael Brenner,
Prof Michael Hudson,
Prof. Avi Schlaim,
Prof. Raz Segal,
Roseanne Barr,

Ralph Nader,
Paul Jay,
Miko Pelod (son of Israeli General)
Sean Penn,
Tom Friedman,

Craig Paul Roberts,
Glenn Greenwald,

Roger Waters,
Tucker Carlson,
Candace Owen,
Larry Johnson,

Daniel Levy, political negotiator & analyst

Rania Khalek,
Mehdi Hasan,
Russell Brand,

Ana Kasparlan,

Cenk Uygur
Mohammed Hijab
Ali Abunimah

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey
King Abdullah II of Jordan

Cyril Ramaphosa, PM of RSA
Clare Daly, MEP for Ireland
Michelle O’Neill, Sein Fein Northern Ireland
Richard Boyd Barrett, Irish MP
Mary Lou McDonald, Irish Republican Party
Julian Assange

MORE than half of these are (self hating) Jews but they are Righteous!!!

I discussed “being the light” with a Rabbi at 2AM — but right now Zionists have added the stench of genocide to ALL Jews… endangering ALL Jews!!!

This is Zionism folks Let's examine what's REALLY happening in Israel — kids singing about mass genocide!!!

Jews were ALWAYS in the front lines during civil rights era being beaten by police right alongside Blacks — that always made me so proud!!! This even shocked me!!!

Original message:

I can provide a list like this… WHO can you provide to counter “finish t…

Supporters of Palestine doesn’t mean the destruction  of the state of Israel

Tues 19:57


You’re correct, supporters of Palestine don’t ALL want to destroy Israel — BUT a State solely based on Jewish “religiousity” is simply NOT acceptable… That’s UNLIKE every other country on earth where countries are a country for THEIR OWN citizens. 

If I want to make Aliyah I my chances of FAR better if I am an athiest than if I became a Christian (in 2018)… or if I became a Buddhist Muslim, Jain, Hindu Zorastrian or Rastafarian.

 Many think a 2-state solution can still work but I personally believe Israel BLEW IT and they should have accepted it when Natanyahu COULD… instead Israel just kept moving the finish line, which I see as a “very Jewish” way of negotiating… 

One of the GREAT people with neck-deep experience is Danial Levy, 1 of Ehud Barak’s lead negotiators.

Please watch this first —

Tues 20:19


Just as Ukraine’s Zelensky rejected the peace terms in March 2022 (vetoed by US via Boris Johnson). I think the time has now past for Ukraine to accept the “old deal” — now that Russia has mobilised about 1m men & Russian people says OK we go to war because Ukraine refused peace & still keep Dombas (with rights of Russian speakers guaranteed by the Ukraine Constitution). 

Now After 18 months nearly 50k dead Russians how this war will end is a TOTAL capitulation, lost of Novo Russia (5 new Eastern Ukrainian states including Crimea) PLUS all of Eastern Ukraine on the RIght Bank of the Dneiper River, southern states including Odessa & East Tranistria (Moldova). Ukraine will be a mere rump state mainly Kiev. Without access to the Black Sea so Ukraine becomes a land locked country WITHOUT industry ONLY agriculture…

The analogy I believe bears true with Israel-Palestine probably ending eventually ONLY with Palestine. The learning is BE FAIR or lose the deal altogether…

There was a saying anti-semitic Poles keep repeating to me (as a Jew lover)… Illustrating Jewish arrogance “The land may be theirs but we own the buildings”. I am dealing with a similar piece of stupidity in Jahor Bahru Malaysia, Forest City was build by Country Gardens at a cost of $100B for 700,000 wealthy Chinese yuppies — the arrogant Chinese behave much like Israel… they had Chinese street signs WITHOUT Malay… because they know ONLY Shanghai professionals & entrepreneurs can afford $1m USD apartments NOT local Malays. This STUPID PR damage was much like fake “40 beheaded babies” — caused eventually PM Mahatir to STOP the project after all the $ was spent. Today 800 live in a Ghost town for 700,000…

Hopefully i will cause ARM ASEAN iOT center to move there, along with PRZiM and the 111 owners AAPL MSFT INTC FB GOOG ORCL BABA AMZN Huawei SingTel etc etc… clustering around ARM & PRZM

You sent

Israel has always been a Jewish homeland - since they were dispersed 3000 years ago! 

Just as Iraq , Syria, and mort Arab nations are 99pc Muslim - there is no reason why Jews should not have a homeland where they can feel safe


That’s NOT how the religious Jews see it!!!

You sent

It does not exclude non Jews and arabs living in the country - as long as laws are based on Jewish values


They are expressedly forbidden

You sent

Not all Jews think alike - not all religious Jews think alike - that is why there are elections and democracy


If the purpose was to create a Jewish Homeland as per Rothchilds & Sukulow then chosing Uganda or Eastern USSR was a smarter choice

You sent

Would have preferred a piece of land on west coast of Australia 

You sent

Fanatics on all sides are bad -


Go to NYC and find Zionist Jews yelling KILL ALL ARABS


Yes I know that was on the table but Theodor Herzl was voted down

You sent

 You will get fanatics on all sides - that does not mean all religious Jews think like that .

You will get humans her murder - that does not mean all humans are murderers

Jews are humans - as are arabs - they all just want to feel safe and have hope


The way to do that is using JUSTICE… not to make the Arabs SLAVES

Israel in 2018 made Arabic no longer a national language

I know with Netanyahu as PM,  he will eventually destroy Israel — my prediction coming true as we speak

Can’t fight 190 countries of the UN

USA is going down because of

This is like I come to Chatswood or Vaucluse and say there are so many houses here I want YOURS!  You can live somewhere else

That’s hardly the negoiation technique that works — I say that as the guy who topped negotiations at Melbourne Business School (my approach was always talk about the interest of the other side)…  WHen class gets an average of $270,000 piece of land, I got $87,000 — because it was what THEY NEEDED.


In 1948 there were 100s of thousands of Jews who were locked out of Arab countries - a nachba just as Palestinians - that is what happened in 1948 - there have been wars since - and Israel is a state that is recognised -

If people in Chatswøod murdered the family of my state - they would no longer have their house


Like I said I have researched this specifically!!!   Even listened to testimonies of Israeli agants sent to CAUSE a wave of Jewish immigration to Israel

You sent

If people of Chatswøod murdered my family and tried to take my house because there forefathers farmed that land 400 years ago - I would defend my house


You can’t start from Oct 7 2023, this goes back 76 YEARS… when 750,000 were evicted & thousands killed or ethically cleansed

You sent

s have a right to feel safe - and have a homeland that they can call there’s

You can start from 3000 yeas ago

What about the 750k Jews evicted from Arab states and 6m slaughtered in Europe because they were Jewish?


Hamas was VERY disciplined on Oct 7, yes soldiers and some kibbitzim soldiers killed BUT 50%b of the indiscriminant killings civilians were killed by IDF helicopters with Hellfire missles and Tanks

iK - Do you seriously believe this 

You sent

They were not ethnically cleansed - the 750k are now 2m

Why Israel attacked Hamas and Gaza - 

That is because the Hamas are a threat to the state of Israel - and are hiding within civilian areas


You going to blame Arabs for the Romans over runnng Judea 75AD or Egyptians or Persians or Babylonians or Assyrians or Canaanites etc

You sent

Not at all


Look up Ethnic Cleansing

You sent

History is what it is

You sent


You want the Palestinians to pay?

You sent

Ethnic cleansing is what you support happen to the Jews


Europe didn’t want Jews, nor Americans… South American took many, so did China (Shanghai)

You sent

And then kicked them out

You want the Jews to pay


Jews were dispersed 2000 years ago… they lived everywhere

You sent

Jews don’t need others to look after them - they have a homeland


Jews went from a war like people to peaceful...

You sent

Jews will do what it takes to survive and thrive - no more will they need to rely on the goodwill of their hosts - who at anytime can kiCk them out

You sent

Jews will not have to rely on your goodwill to live a full life - they have a homeland where they can feel safe


The concept of a homeland is National Settler Colonial project — so to get a homeland you have to steal it from Palestinians?

Israel is NOT the future… Justice is and that means Palestine will resume

76 years to PROVE that Israel can LIVE at peace — completely failed

You sent

Only because they have been attacked by their neighbours

Nothing was stolen! Palestine was named by colonialists !! Jews lived there forever !  Why does not Egypt take back Gaza and Jordan take back west bank?


Did you watch the 3 mins of Roald Dahl video above?

You replied to a participant


If you can’ty even accept that then WATCH the Balfour Documentary above


NO Arabs did NOT agree to have THEIR land given away to European Jews

You sent

IK - State of Israel is not their land!! Just as the Jews who left Syria - Syria is not their land , Just as the Jews who Left Iraq - Iraq is not their land . Just as Jews who left Poland - Poland is not their land

Israel has always retaliated


Look Ivan if you can’t even accept that the LAND was given away ILLEGALLY then no point debating with you

You sent

If Palestinians have their choice - the Majority of them  - would wipe out the 7m Jews living in Israel… and I say NEVER AGAIN!!! 


YES in 1948 remember I WAS a Zionist — I watched Exodus too

You sent

Im calling you out on this - Bullshit


Sorry Jews cannot be Supremacists that’s like Apartheid

You sent

You would have Jews removed from the planet earth

It is people like you that make the need for a Jewish state


I am a F____g Jew Ivan!!!

You sent




end this



3000 IDF dead Oct 27 to Nov 15… 379 tanks + IFVs destroyed

Let’s see how long Israel can keep going

Pointless deaths JUST so Netanyahu can hang on!!!  POS!!!

You sent

Has got nothing to do with Netanyahu - has got with Hamas wanting to cleanse Jews from face of the earth - that they tried to do on Oct 7


GO READ the Likud Charter 

The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)

a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.

b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace.

Genuine Peace-Our Central Objective

a. The Likud government will place its aspirations for peace at the top of its priorities and will spare no effort to promote peace. The Likud will act as a genuine partner at peace treaty negotiations with our neighbors, as is customary among the nations. The Likud government will attend the Geneva Conference. .

b. The Likud governments peace initiative will he positive. Directly or through a friendly state. Israel will invite her neighbors to hold direct negotiations, in order to sign without pre-conditions on either side and without any solution formula invented by outsiders (invented outside ).

At the negotiations each party will he free to make any proposals it deems lit.


Settlement. both urban and rural. in all parts of the Land of Israel is the focal point of the Zionist effort to redeem the country, to maintain vital security areas and serves as a reservoir of strength and inspiration for the renewal of the pioneering spirit. The Likud government will call on the younger generation in Israel and the dispersions to settle and help every group and individual in the task of inhabiting and cultivating the wasteland, while taking care not to dispossess anyone.

Arab Terror Organizations

The PLO is no national liberation organization but an organization of assassins, which the Arab countries use as a political and military tool, while also serving the interests of Soviet imperialism, to stir up the area. Its aim is to liquidate the State of Israel, set up an Arab country instead and make the Land of Israel part of the Arab world. The Likud government will strive to eliminate these murderous organizations in order to prevent them from carrying out their bloody deeds



I KNOW you have not read this!!!

Tues 21:45

You sent

So what’s the point


Now you’re prfetending you can’t read (only point a and b)


Or is it such complicated English?

a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.

b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace.

You sent

The Likud is a right wing political party - 

There is also a left wing political party 

And a religious political party 

Whenever you have 3 Jews you will have 4 points of view !

One thing I am certain of - is that is the neighbours of Israel supported peace - there would be no more war!

You sent

If someone fires a rocket at me - and that person is not held to account - I will defend myself - and do what I can to ensure no more rockets will attack me … 

How I do this may be different to the next person … but Tnat would be my focus


Israel has gone to the dogs!!!  Nethanyahu in power 16 YEARS!!!  So just as you blame Gaza for voting for Hamas isn’t the same fault of Israeli voters to vote for Likud? Shad etc

You sent

So you are saying that when Israel had not gone to the dogs - they had the right to exist? So you are recognising the state of Israel?


YOU are NOT that stupid as to consider what happoened on Oct 7, this has been going for 76 YEARS — any no point when you are UNETHICAL

simply pointless, you will lose in ANY court of law

The land was STOLEN from Palestinians — NOTHING going to change that, only justice will cure this

You sent

What about the land stolen from the Jews ?


2000 yaesr ago…

You sent

What about the European settlers stealing land from the aboriginals


You sent

The Americans stealing land from red indians


That’s why Australia NEEDS to complete a TREATY!!!  America too

Terra Nulius was overturned by High Court by Mabo vs Queensland

Canada also

Greenland being fixed troo

You replied to a participant

Original message:

Notable Supporters of Palestine

Prof. Norman Finkelstein,
Prof. Noam C…

I can list notable supporters of Israel - what’s the point?


ANY good humans among them or all like Ben Shapiro?

You sent

What about India taking land from Pakistanis

Taliban taking human rights away from women and gays


You quite pathetic Ivan

Original message:

ANY good humans among them or all like Ben Shapiro?

Yep most western governments of the world

And most governments recognised and traded with state of Israel - including China and Singapore


The vote was 120-14 with 45 abstentions. Of the five veto-holding Security Council members, Russia, China and France voted in favor, the United States voted against and Britain abstained. The General Assembly resolution was adopted Oct. 27, and Israel agreed Nov. 9 to four-hour pauses.

You sent

Many millions of  Christian’s  in the world support state of Israel

Most Jews of the world support state of Israel

un is a wank


ONLY because they believe once all Jews back in Israel Armageddon can happen

You sent



UN is a wank ONLY if you are unethical

As I said this is POINTLESS

You sent

That’s one thing we can agree on


Let’s see how this will pan out… Hezbollah & Iran attacking US bases (to protect Israel)

Turkey make some of the Best drones in the world, Iran also (now sells to Russia)

You sent


3 weeks

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At the UN today, the world’s leading human rights abusers emerge as leaders on human rights. Regimes that deny women’s rights masquerade as women’s advocates. Multiple agencies have succumbed to endemic corruption. And the prevention or cessation of conflict only seems to matter when Israel tries to defend itself from terrorist attacks.


Obfuscation Ivan — tactic used by those who can’t argue on the merits

You sent

There was no other way to interpret UNRWA’s positions after January 2021, when the agency’s secretary-general acknowledged that UNRWA’s official educational curricula refer to Israel as the “enemy,” teach math by counting “martyred” terrorists, and include the phrase “Jihad is one of the doors to Paradise” in grammar lessons.[13]

UNRWA’s problems are not confined to Gaza. The same story plays out in the West Bank and Lebanon where so-called refugee camps become terror bases of operations.[14]

Unlike many UN agencies to which the United States contributes, UNRWA has no board of directors to conduct oversight and steer the organization.[15] This has contributed to corruption and inefficiency. UNRWA maintains a staff of over 13,000 just in Gaza to serve the territory’s 2.2 million Palestinians.[16] Meanwhile, the UNHCR serves more than nearly 90 million people worldwide with under 19,000 staff members.[17]

You sent

The UNHRC has passed as many resolutions against Israel as the rest of the world combined, and it has a blacklist of companies operating in Israeli-controlled, disputed territories.[24] No other list exists for any other disputed territory in the world. This is a clear double standard.


With ZERO effect


THINK why? Would anyone bother for NO REASON?

You are NOT that dumb

You sent

The Orwellian focus of the United Nations on Israel has not only diverted important resources from other problems around the world, it has undermined the basic functions of the multilateral body that was designed to protect the U.S.-led world order.

You sent

Merits of what ?

You sent

Allowing Iran to chair a group talking about peace !!!

You sent


I always say A for Action B for Bravery C for Capability D for Desire… but E for Ethics comes first without which A_D are wasted, E is the only thing I can’t teach either you have it or you don’t

EVERY Zionist is a flawed human being!


On that note let’s quit already

This is not making me any money etc

You sent

2022 UNGA Resolutions on Israel: 15

• 2022 UNGA Resolutions on Rest of the World: 13

From 2015 through 2022, including the above, the UN General Assembly has adopted 140 resolutions on Israel and 68 on other countries.

You sent

Are you telling me that this tiny democracy - deserves 3 x as many resolutions against it than the rest of the world !!! What a joke


Iran was subject to a Coup D’tat by UK’s MI5 and US CIA because Mossadeh nationalised Anglo Iranian Oil — so they installed Shah Palavi


Because Israel is SUCH a fuck up we have to WASTE time on them — REVOKE UN 181 now

START again, with a SINGLE secular state

ALL of Palestine

Israel is so fucked up it can’t be fixed… we need to uncrack the omelette (impossible)

UNDO the Partition Resolution by a REVOCATION resolution

Can’t unscramble an egg… just throw it away and start again

Can’t work with Israeli Govt protecting Settlers… THE MOST VILE people I have ever met

You sent

Don’t get me started on the un

Original message:

Israel is so fucked up it can’t be fixed… we need to uncrack the omelette (impossible)

And Iran and the Arab countries and Hamas led Gaza are perfect


It happens to be the ONLY world body… WHO WTO etc etc

You sent

Israel is the only democracy in the region


Blame Netanyahu $400m for Hamas thru Qatar

Original message:

Can’t work with Israeli Govt protecting Settlers… THE MOST VILE people I have ever met

Takes one to know one

You sent

Qatar and Iran is a picture of perfec

You replied to a participant

Original message:

It happens to be the ONLY world body… WHO WTO etc etc

It’s a farce

Original message:

START again, with a SINGLE secular state

Why not include the whole Middle East including Syria , Lebanon , Iran , Iraq , Turkey

And why not throw in Russia, China and USA as well

Why focus on this tiny state that has created some of the worlds best innovations


This will 10 seconds will SHOCK YOU

You sent

Why not focus on the 100s of thousands of deaths in Syria and Yyemen


When he asked Netanyahu a question


What you are doing is called “whataboutism” aka obfuscation — signs of defeat

You sent

Why not focus on the outstanding performance of the brilliant governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan

You sent

Not at all - I am showing you that the uN is an antisemitic piece of shit.That is focussed on a tiny state - when people in africa are being slaughtered and dying from  corruption and disease.


Countries like Afghanistan that’s just been in a 20 year war with a Superpower called USA?

Called Imperialism and Colonialism — which is exactly Israel

You sent

ountry where I was born - Zimbabwe - the breadbasket of africa - where hundreds of thousands  of people are starving and dying of disease from blatant corruption - where is the demonstrations


Let’s fix Israel first it’s 76 year old CRIME that started 1897 by Theodore Herzl

You sent

Israel’s 76 years has been a miracle

The crime has been the neighbouring states who have tried to destroy it


That’s because IMF & World Bank use corrupt officials & lend at 30-40% INTEREST, China only 5%

Original message:

That’s because IMF & World Bank use corrupt officials & lend at 30-40% I…

You sent

Bullshit -But I expect that from you


You know MUCH less than I give you credit for

You sent

About Zimbabwe and South Africa - I know a a bit….. the corruption was from the zanu or zapu officials that brought Mugabe to power …… who then “ethnically cleansed” the white population - took their farms - nationalised property - put their hands in the coffers for their own personal use - and ruined the bread basket of africa .

IMF and world bank fyi - gave interest free loans that was never paid back!

So don’t make out as if you know what caused the economy of Zimbabwe to die

Where was the complaints by the United Nations ?


59 countries why only focus on Zim?

You sent

I’m talking about Zimbabwe - because that was my home town - where I was born and was brought up ….

Where was the complaints about the treatment of gays and women in Iran?

Where are the demonstrations ?

Wake up


42 seconds

You sent

All these people retweeted your antisemitic negative crappy post (not 1) 

I found this on Twitter but I completely agree

Israel is abolutely a Genocide and Terrorist State now — everyone knows this

Dan Cohen went on a Birth Right tour and cried for 2 weeks seeing how Palestinians live…

BUT I don’t expect you to understand this

Tues 23:43


8 mins:  This Friday will be Hazbollah’s biggest chance to take Northen Israal with 200,000 missiles says military experts who loves Israel but not the Zionist state

You sent

Great article from Alexander Downer. 

Some thoughts: there can never be a 2 state solution as the Palestinians have rejected every offer that’s been on the table. 

They just want the entire Israel, so does that mean Arabs and Jews will live together in Israel/Palestine. Probably not, given Jews have been kicked out of every Arab country. 

So if all Israelis were kicked out of Israel, where would they go and would the world call out about this ethnic clensing?

And what become of this new Israel/ Palestine? We’ll forget the democracy that’s currently there and the annual Tel Aviv mardi, you would have a Hamas led sharia law following, queer hanging larger version of Gaza. And would the world protest that? Well they haven’t up til now.

Nor has the world protested any other mass killings or ethnic cleansing that occurring right now in Myanmar, Syria, Yenen, Iran, Afghanistan and so on.

So that female Arab citizen who is currently a doctor, a lawyer, a judge or politician in Israel, won’t have to worry to much about losing her job, as much as the fact that she won’t even be able to drive her car, or leave her house without a chaperone to get to work. 

Sounds fanciful? So imagine this… imagine if Gaza and West Bank were REALLY under Israel rule, as much as the protestors are claiming it is, they Palestinians would actually be lucky! Sounds more like Stockholm syndrome they can’t or won’t blame Hamas for their obvious woes.


Original message:

8 mins:  This Friday will be Hazbollah’s biggest chance to take Northen …

And you call Israel a Genocidal  and terrorist state for defending itself !!! You hate the Jews and can’t wait for them to be exterminated!

Why would Lebanon have 200,000 missiles facing Israel vs looking after their people and economy?

It is classified as a developing, lower-middle-income economy. The nominal GDP was estimated at $19 billion in 2020, with a per capita GDP amounting to $2,500 per year

I suppose you blame their poor economy on Israel

Egypt’s per capita income $3537 per annum - Egypt's environmental problems include, but are not limited to, water scarcity, air pollution, damage to historic monuments, animal welfare issues and deficiencies in its waste management system. - 

Obviously the fault of the Jews - who left them as slaves 5000 years ago to go and live in Israel!

Syria's economic situation has been turbulent and their economy has deteriorated considerably since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, 

Obviously the fault of the Jews!

Iraq's state-dominated economy is led by the oil sector, which provides approximately 85 percent of government revenue. The economy has been hurt by rampant corruption and war-related damage to infrastructure. (Obviously the fault of the Jews! )

However, four wars—the 1980–1988 Iraq-Iran War, 1991 Gulf War, the 2003–2011 War in Iraq, and the civil war—and the 1991–2003 UN sanctions have left the industry's infrastructure in poor condition, and the de facto independence of oil-rich Kurdistan Region have limited production (obviously the fault of the Jews!)

Iraq has one of the lowest female labor force participation rates in the world, a youth unemployment rate of 36 percent, deteriorating infrastructure and business conditions, and one of the highest poverty rates among upper-middle-income economies (Figure 1).27 Oct 2020

Iraq - 2013 gdp $6k per person - 2020 $4000 per person per annum - with massive oil reserves - obviously the fault of the Jews !

Iran - done well - $1000 to $4000 per annum !

Afghanistan $500 per annum per capita - purely because of the Jews!

And then there is this terrorist state of Israel - where it’s gdp population is $52,171 per person - - from a country with very little natural resources ! The country has developed a strong educational infrastructure and a high-quality business startup incubation system for promoting cutting edge new ideas to create value-driven goods and services.

The most important economic sectors are technology, manufacturing, and diamond polishing and cutting. In 2022, Israel's GDP amounted to 501.4 billion U.S. dollars, and, according to estimates, it will increase to 611.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2026.


What has made Israel so successful?

 the 2009 book Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. Here is a bit from a Q&A with Senor:

The great irony of the Start-Up Nation story is that Israel has transformed the challenges it has faced into assets that form the cornerstones of its culture of innovation. Adversity of all kinds, such as being under attack, small, isolated, and lacking resources, have forced Israelis to be resourceful, to do more with less, to innovate, and to be global from day one. . . . A key lesson from Israel is that innovation is not just something that goes on inside companies; it comes from a wider culture that fosters both innovation and entrepreneurship. Israel is a country of immigrants — there are over 70 nationalities represented in this tiny country. . . . Immigrants are natural risk takers since they were willing to uproot themselves and start over. In particular, the great wave of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in 1990 to 2000 brought to Israel a tremendous boost in engineering talent just as the tech sector began to take off

And it’s not as if Israel is making a bundle off its blessing of natural resources. Indeed, few countries generate less natural-resource income than Israel. So what’s its secret? For starters, it ranks 26th on the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom, just below Japan, South Korea, and Austria, and just above the Czech Republic, Norway, and Germany. By comparison, its neighbors rank far lower: Jordan, 69;, Egypt, 130;, Lebanon, 154;, and Syria, not ranked

Israel’s ethos is to  value life (no matter religion colour or creed) - when Hamas and its supporters value their children’s life - more than Israel’s and the Jews  death - maybe there can be peace!! Until then I am afraid that there will continue to be war between the nations ! Israel is a sovereign nation and has a right to defend itself - against people who try to destroy it

Wed 08:48


I WANT Israel to prosper because I have many friends there… but ALL this is for nought if the country is founded on an “original Sin” that is THEFT of the land. That Roald Dahl forced landing during WW2 was VERY illuminating — The Arabs let us come here from Europe, we don’t own the land YET (I am paraphrasing). Let justice reign & if Israel CHOOSES it’s own destruction thru its own arrogance ALL I can offer is the Wisdom of Solomon — which I hope to deliver as a Tech city project in Rawabi

Wed 09:04


US Government is largely controlled by AIPAC that’s why there is a single Palestimian voice in BOTH houses…2 anti Zionists Rep. Andy Levin, Sen. Jackie Rosen are unlikely to survice MASSIVE funding by AIPAC to topple them. AIPAC needs to be a registered foreign agent — Syria Afghanistan Iraq Libya’s economy were all destroyed by AIPAC policies implemented by DC against the US interest. US Army knows they are ONLY in Syria and Iraq as “trip wires” for Israel that’s known by the troops on the ground! Iran is NEXT…

You should also ask WHY the IDF has the highest suicide rate of ANY military in the world… higher than USA.

"Civilization rests on a set of promises; if the promises are broken too often, the civilization dies, no matter how rich it may be, or how mechanically clever. Hope and faith depend on these promises; if hope and faith go, everything goes." –— Herbert Agar (American Author)

This is the latest on the UN & Israel

Original message:


Scott Ritter hopes Israeli generals will face a Nuremburg trial just like German Generals & was executed… they KNOW this is Genocide but they will follow orders anyway

You replied to a participant

Original message:

US Government is largely controlled by AIPAC that’s why there is a singl…

Typical - destruction of economies and poverty of its people - blaming someone else for their own corruption and inefficiencies …. Where have I heard this before


You replied to a participant

Original message:

"Civilization rests on a set of promises; if the promises are broken too…

I agree


You replied to a participant

Original message:

Scott Ritter ho…

You sent

If your family and citizens were murdered - your obligation is to find the perpetrators and destroy them. The perpetrators were Gaza and their authority - a state of war was declared with the objective to rid this cancer and protect Israeli citizens from further atrocities

The only people that should stand trial are those that perpetrated the crime on Oct 7 and those that supported it

Elon musk -

Wed 16:05


Since you are referring to Elon post Israel visit I will try to find the before video when he recommends Israel use extreme acts of kindness! Then the AIPAC obviously threatened for Black Rock & vanguard to dump Tesla shares unless he says Hamas must be destroyed!

Though you feign ignorance I know you must be familiar with the genocide convention …



Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Elements of the crime

The Genocide Convention establishes in Article I that the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. The latter is less common but still possible. The same article establishes the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide.

The popular understanding of what constitutes genocide tends to be broader than the content of the norm under international law. Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements:

A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and

A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:

Killing members of the group

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element.

Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted - not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention (which excludes political groups, for example). This means that the target of destruction must be the group, as such, and not its members as individuals. Genocide can also be committed against only a part of the group, as long as that part is identifiable (including within a geographically limited area) and “substantial.”


Many countries have already referred Netanyahu to the ICC Hague!  Clearly if they charge Putin with war crimes Netanyahu will be 100 times easier to convict— so he will be arrested by any country which is a signatory funny US is not so he can still see his son hiding out in America

You sent

Sounds like the Hamas charter to me


You sent

Where I come from - people are innocent until proved guilty -

For there  to be peace - 

1. the standard of living of Palestinians need to increase . They need to not spend all their time and energy and money on trying to destroy Israel - Israel will retaliate - and people on both sides will die ! 

They need to spend the billions they receive on building themselves up! 

2. They need to recognise the state of Israel - it exists - and it thrives 



Why are you always pushing nazi puppets politicians forced out —- Andrews resigned bc he was personally sued for contrition during Covid so many forced to get the jab including me —- due to AZ vaccine I now have early onset MS! 

Anyone who is anti Zionist is labeled anti semitic —- the the last bastion of the scoundrel… anyone human being who dare voice opposition against 15,000 dead civilians killed by F35 from 10,000 feet is labeled antisemitic… but everyone knows it’s bc Zionist have no more bullets left —- UN lawyers say There is NO doubt that Israel is committing war crimes but US who is largest funder of UN stop’s prosecutions. That will happen until US loses USD as world reserve currency status - $3-4 trillion per year or losing CA + TX combined. When the music stops is when everything crashes too

I already showed you Likud 1977 charter it’s basically same as Heirut charter—- a 2 state solution is all but impossible that’s why Netanyahu ensured Rabin was killed… Israel could have been so much more than what it is now! I would cease Israel to rid the world Settlers who resemble Ukrainian nationals who eliminated Jews Polish etc during WW2 —- the world does not need people who are no better than Brown Shirts except Settlers carry M16s which US sell to Israel for $1 each

Wed 17:52


Here it is before AIPAC gets to Elon…

Conspicuous acts of kindness (turn the other cheeck) to Hamas must be completely destroyed… In marketing that’s tentermount to setting yourself an IMPOSSIBLE TASK… and ensuring Israel loses! Just NOT very smart at all!

Wed 18:34

You sent

On this day 76 years ago, the United Nations voted in favor of the Partition, giving birth to the State of Israel.

In 1947, the newly formed body held so much promise, to endeavor as a community of nations to act together in good faith to ensure world peace and prevent future atrocities. Established in the aftermath of the Second World War and after the horrors and enormity of the Holocaust came to light, this body, filled with a sense of purpose - (and no small amount of guilt and conscience) - and perhaps to right an historic injustice collectively took a courageous stand. I truly believe that.

I look at the United Nations then and the United Nations today, and I am amazed at how it has become a snake pit of intrigue and parochial interests. I look at how decency and propriety have been sacrificed for cynical, global power mongering, and I wonder; if the United Nations of today had convened on this day in 1947, would we have a Homeland?

What would have become of the millions of Jews of Europe, the survivors of the Holocaust, the displaced and homeless, who had no home to return to, and no country willing to accept them? These people, dispossessed and destitute, emerging from the infernos of Buchenwald and Sobibor, and the ovens of Auschwitz - our grandparents, lone survivors of lost families - what would have been their fate, and ours? These vestiges of destroyed communities, our brethren, our families, who were left with nothing to their name besides the tattered coats they wore, and the shoes with worn sole (and souls), these are the faces of "colonizers"?

And on this day, that we commemorate the birth of a country and a return to the heart of our heritage, thanks to a display of international solidarity which we no longer enjoy, I would like to pay tribute to the the Zionist Halutzim, whose intrepid determination, vision and ideology, defined our borders with the sweat of their brows, and the blood of their brethren whose heroic sacrifice will never be forgotten - from Tel Hai in the north, to Yad Mordechai in the South. I pay tribute to kibbutzim like Be'eri and Nir Am, who 77 years ago stood firm, endured terrible Spartan hardships and flourished.

Today, they are fighting a second War of Independence, fighting to maintain their sovereign borders. And once again these kibbutzim are on the front line that sets their borders. Then, it was their determination and courage. Today is is not only their determination and courage, but their duty and commitment to them, to rebuild and secure their homes, so that their borders are safe.

Once again, it's about our survival.

The 7 million Jews in Israel are not leaving. We're not going anywhere. With or without your support.


You sent

In 1948 - there was a charter - where lines were drawn in the sand - to create A 2 state solution. Neighbouring countries 

Attacks Israel - again and again - Israel won those wars - as a result - Sinai , Gaza and west bank was annexed . 

Sinai was given back to Egypt - in return for a peace deal - Gaza became independent in 2005 - with Hamas ruling - and west bank - still an occupied territory …. I acknowledge issue with settlers that need to be resolved! I acknowledge that Netanyahu and his cronies are right wing - and Likud was promoting to expand Israel into Jordan - and create settlements in West Bank (which I do not agree with - and neither do most Israelis - who were demonstrating big time before the slaughter of innocents and taking of hostages . )

In the meantime - other regions in Middle East have been slaughtering innocents in the 100s of thousands - no demonstrations!!!

Musk quite rightly said - that we need to help lift the standards of the Palestinians so that they have hope ! It douse not have to be at the expense of Israel ! 

Israel is a tiny piece of Land - why not Gaza annex into Egypt and West Bank  annex into Jordan?

Wed 22:11


When someone steals my house in Chatswood does it make sense for me to move into Roseville or Parramatta?  What have Parramatta have to do with my house in Chatswood? Just because some Zionist training video to make that recommendation you STILL need to do your own sanity check!

Wish me luck “my wisdom of Solomon” idea’s purpose is exactly trying to create some HOPE for concentration camp inmates without ANY hope.  I found the lawyer of the wealthy guy who is building the Palestinian Silicon Valley to see if we can team.

This from Sun Tsu’s ART OF WAR

If Palestinians have NO HOPE they will pull the pin on the hand grenade & stand next to you (they have nothing to lose).  Eye for an eye is what Middle Easterners & Jews do but it is NOT condusive to co-prosperity.  Zionist bankers types don’t understand WIN-WIN-WIN

Wed 23:25

You sent

Wed 23:47


Being 5% for 2000 years does NOT entitle Zionist to work hand-in-glove with UK to completely destroy the demograpohic nature of Palestine — surely all the right wing changes including 2018 laws were designed to prevent Jews front being out-numbered demographically.



Here is a better graphic where each year’s Palestine population is broken down

The whitepaper of 1939 will shock you

Original message:

What kind of chance do “unorganised Palestinians” have when a HUGELY wel…

Hopefully. No chance

You sent

This little piece of land is a Jewish state - 

What chance have Jews got to live and practice their faith in Iran or Syria or Lebanon …. That’s ok - because they are Muslim countries - governed by Muslim laws ……

Just as Israel is a Jewish state governed by Jewish laws and values

Original message:

Here is a better graphic where each year’s Palestine population is broke…

You sent

It’s a bullshit map

Jews lived in the area throughout the centuries …. 

They were kicked out - but always have aspired to go on aliyah - back to their homeland !

You replied to a participant

Original message:

Being 5% for 2000 years does NOT entitle Zionist to work hand-in-glove w…

There was an international agreement to create a Jewish state of Israel - Juat as there was a nachba of the Palestinians from Israel - there was a nachba of Jews from neighbouring Arab countries - fact!!! To say nothing about the holocaust .

The state of Israel was created - there were subsequent wars - where land was taken …. And Israel has thrived .

If people cause terror in a state - that state needs to take action!

You sent

Compare the land of Israel to the land of neighbouring states - its tiny! The reason why it’s a hot topic - is because there are Jews living there - fact!

Original message:

If Palestinians have NO HOPE they will pull the pin on the hand grenade …

I agree - Palestinians need hope - but why finish your rational comment with an anti semitic unhelpful bullshit phrase “Zionist banker types” - who don’t understand win wins win - you’re referring to Jews - because you are a rampant antisemitism arsehole - and it’s people like you - who make this planet fucked up….. by supporting terrrorist thugs - who hate Israel more than they love their children - and you sit wherever you sit spewing rubbish

You sent

I look forward to the day that I will visit my family in Israel - whose kids are in the army - defending their freedom and right to exist - all hoping for a Middle East - free of hate - and prejudice …. And people like you who try and dehumanise Jews - and imply that they are evil - where in fact they cherish life - be it Jew , Christian , Buddhist or Muslim …


why would you want to argue with a rampant anti-semitic arsehole?  It’s completely NORMAL for you to use ad hominem attacks & resort to name calling when I present historical information you don’t like. Your argument is STILL: it’s such a small piece of land, why not Palestinians just move somewhere else —— no justice no peace!


Do you actually BOTHER  to watch the stuff I send you?

You sent

And have an absolute right to defend their right to exist . And if they want to allow people to immigrate - they are absolutely entitled …. And if they want to accept refugees - they are absolutely entitled to !!! - and if they want to allow every Jew to live in their state - they have that opportunity - just as every sovereign country can do


Europe didn’t want Jews, so let’s dump them on Palestine!

Original message:

Do you actually BOTHER  to watch the stuff I send you?

I agree - Palestinians need hope - but why finish your rational comment with an anti semitic unhelpful bullshit phrase “Zionist banker types” - who don’t understand win wins win - you’re referring to Jews - because you are a rampant antisemitism arsehole - and it’s people like you - who make this planet fucked up….. by supporting terrrorist thugs - who hate Israel more than they love their children - and you sit wherever you sit spewing rubbish


NOT if “their state” is based on Theft

You sent

It’s not


But it’s ONKY a small theft?

You sent

The only thief in this play is Hamas and the stealing of children’s minds to promote hate

When Israel was attacked - the attackers were attempting to genocide the Jews and steal their land - they did not!

You sent

1948 - was an internationally agreed recognition of the state of Israel

You sent

If the Palestinians looked after their land instead of trying to destroy Israel - and maybe collaborate with them vs try to kill them - maybe just maybe - there would be a different narrative

You sent

Horace - you seem to be a smart man - however your hate for the Jews blinds your vision in what is actually happenning .

I am proud for be a Jew , I am proud of our traditions, I am proud of our values , and ai am proud of our State of Israel - and absolutely believe that Israel has a right to defend itself - and if a person or country attack the State - the attacker needs to potentially face the consequence of its actions !

You sent

Am Yisrael Chai - long live the state of Israel

You replied to a participant

Original message:

why would you want to argue with a rampant anti-semitic arsehole?  It’s …

What I don’t like is when you attempt to dehumanise people by saying “zionist banker types” - who don’t understand win win win

When you promote hate on your Facebook page - which makes you look like a loser

Where you believe it’s ok to randomly kill 1400 innocent people while the neighbours cheer with glee !

Where you believe it’s ok to take a 14 month old hostage , and murder a family in front of a child while videoing this to the world

Where you believe it’s ok for a Palestinian Hamas thug to phone his dad saying OVE JUST KILLED 10 Jews - and for the father to say Allah Achba !!!

And you try and justify this because 76 years a state of Israel was declared by the United Nations - as a home for the Jews!

Where you believe it’s ok that 6 million Jews were exterminated and you suggest that there should have been more

Where you believe it’s ok for Jews who were living for 100s of years  in Syria, Lebanon , Iran, Iraq and Turkey - having been kicked out of the land of Israel for 100s of years - were forced to leave overnight - thank God they had a place to go!!!

The government of a country has the right to determine who can come in or go out of that country .

Why cannot Israel do the same 

…. Oh that’s right - because you don’t believe israel and the 7 million Jews in Israel al have a right to exist …..

By you they should be exterminated

You sent

And that is why I think you are an antisemitic arsehole

Original message:

Europe didn’t want Jews, so let’s dump them on Palestine!

Not at all - let them come to the State of Israel - where Jews will be welcomed as if it is there home

You replied to a participant

Gaza should be annexed to Egypt (as it was before 6 day war ) and west bank (west bank of Jordon ) should be annexed to Jordon (as it was before 6 day war)


State of Israel have got the absolute right to allow Jewish emigrants to come to Israel

You sent

As has any sovereign country to allow who they want to come or not to come into their country

You say there has been genocide  and ethnic cleansing by the Jews - and yet since 1948 there has been an increase in Arab population from 1.8 - 5.1m

Keith Edward Oehme 

The UN definition of genocide is:

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Plain that Hamas is doing that - Hamas wants every Jew off the planet, let alone out of Palestine. Denies the Holocaust and that there was ever any Jewish presence on Temple Mount for instance.

Is Netanyahu doing that? The definition has interpretations, as, on the strictest wording, getting rid of bin Laden was getting rid of a national/religious group in part. Also, incidentally, would be the fight against the Nazis.

Hence the UN has clarified it.

To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

To constitute genocide, it also needs to be established that the victims are deliberately targeted — not randomly — because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention. This means that the target of destruction must be the group, as such, or even a part of it, but not its members as individuals.

Netanyahu could destroy the whole of Gaza, and he has not done that. Thousands have died because Hamas embeds within civilian populations, against international law (there is good evidence - not from Israeli sources - that Hamas has used at least one hospital and at least one school for military purposes).

The civilian deaths are not targeted deaths but, in international law terms, collateral. Same as civilians in Hamburg or Hiroshima; same as Cambodians living near the Vietnamese border in the late 1960s; same as anyone caught up in the Iraq war. Those are not victims of genocide.

People constantly referring to genocide dilute the seriousness of the crime. It is going on right now with Russia seeking to erase Ukraine from history, with Hamas seeking to erase Judaism from the world, and probably in Xinjiang with the Chinese seeking to erase the Muslims there. Applying it to other matters is underselling the nature of genocide.


Is this what genocide looks like graph of 1m - 5 m 

You sent

List of arab states with 1948 800k Jews 2018 3000 jews 

Ethic cleansing


Nearly all of the Algerian Jews fled the country shortly after it gained independence from France in 1962. The newly established Algerian government harassed the Jewish community, confiscated Jewish property, and deprived Jews of their principle economic rights. As a result, almost 130,000 Algerian Jews immigrated to France and, since 1948, 25,681 Algerian Jews have immigrated to Israel.

Egypt - In November 1956, a government proclamation declared that “all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state,” and promised that they would be soon expelled. Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country, allowed to take only one suitcase, a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations “donating” their property to the Egyptian government.

Today, the community is on the verge of extinction with fewer than 100 Jews remaining in Egypt, the majority elderly.

Iraq - Additional outbreaks of anti-Jewish rioting occurred between 1946 and 1949, and following the establishment of Israel in 1948, Zionism was made a capital crime. In 1950, the Iraqi parliament legalized emigration to Israel, provided that Iraqi Jews forfeited their citizenship before leaving. Between May 1950 and August 1951, the Jewish Agency and the Israeli government succeeded in airlifting approximately 110,000 Jews to Israel in Operation Ezra & Nehemiah. At the same time, 20,000 Jews were smuggled out of Iraq through Iran. A year later the property of Jews who emigrated from Iraq was frozen, and economic restrictions were placed on Jews who remained in the country.

community that had reached a peak of 150,000 in 1947, dwindled to a mere 6,000 after 1951. Persecutions continued, especially after the Six Day War in 1967, when 3,000 Jews were arrested, dismissed from their jobs, and some hanged in the public square of Baghdad. In one instance, on January 27, 1969, Baghdad Radio called upon Iraqis to “come and enjoy the feast” and some 500,000 people paraded and danced past the scaffolds where the bodies of the hanged Jews swung; the mob rhythmically chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to all traitors.”

As of 2008, the Jewish Agency for Israel estimated that there were only seven Jews remaining in Iraq while Baghdad’s Meir Tweig synagogue, the last synagogue in use, was closed in 2003 after it became too dangerous to gather openly. The State Department reported in 2011 that anti-Semitism is still widespread in both state-owned and private media outlets and Holocaust denial is often glorified.

Libya - The Jewish community of Libya traces its origin back some 2,500 years to the time of Hellenistic rule under Ptolemy Lagos in 323 B.C.E. in Cyrene. Once home to a very large and thriving Jewish community, Libya is now completely empty of Jews due to anti-Jewish pogroms that spurred immigration to Israel.

At the time of the Italian occupation in 1911, there were approximately 21,000 Jews in the country, the majority in the capital Tripoli. By the late 1930s, fascist anti-Jewish laws were gradually being enforced and the Jewish community was subject to terrible repression. Yet, in 1941, the Jews still accounted for a quarter of Tripoli’s population and maintained 44 synagogues.

In 1942, the Germans occupied the Jewish quarter of Benghazi, plundered shops, and deported more than 2,000 Jews across the desert, where more than one-fifth of them perished. Many Jews from Tripoli were also sent to forced labor camps.

One savage pogrom occurred in Tripoli on November 5, 1945, when more than 140 Jews were massacred and almost every synagogue in the city was looted. In June 1948, rioters murdered another 12 Jews and destroyed 280 Jewish homes. When the British legalized emigration in 1949, more than 30,000 Jews fled Libya.

Thousands more Jews fled to Israel after Libya became independent in 1951 and was granted membership in the Arab League. A law passed in December 1958 ordered for the dissolution of the Jewish Community Council. In 1961, a special permit was needed to show proof of being a “true Libyan” and all but six Jews were denied this document.

After the Six-Day War, the Jewish population - numbering roughly 7,000 - was again subjected to pogroms in which 18 people were killed and many more injured; the riots also sparked a near-total exodus from the Jewish community, leaving fewer than 100 Jews in Libya. When Muammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969, all Jewish property was confiscated and all debts to Jews cancelled. Although emigration was illegal, more than 3,000 Jews succeeded in leaving for Israel.

By 1974, there were no more than 20 Jews in the country, and it is believed that Esmeralda Meghnagi, who died in February 2002, was the last Jew to live in Libya. In October 2011, protests in Tripoli called for the deportation of a Jewish activist who had returned to Libya with the intent of restoring Tripoli’s synagogue. Some protesters’ signs read, “There is no place for the Jews in Libya,” and “We don’t have a place for Zionism.”

In 1965, Moroccan writer Said Ghallab described the attitude of Moroccan Muslims toward their Jewish neighbors when he wrote:

“The worst insult that a Moroccan could possibly offer was to treat someone as a Jew ... The massacres of the Jews by Hitler are exalted ecstatically. It is even credited that Hitler is not dead, but alive and well, and his arrival is awaited to deliver the Arabs from Israel.”


By 1943, the Jewish community of Syria had approximately 30,000 members but In 1944, after Syria gained independence from France, the new Arab government prohibited Jewish immigration to Palestine, severely restricted the teaching of Hebrew in Jewish schools, called boycotts against Jewish businesses, and sat idle as attacks against Jews escalated. In 1945, in an attempt to thwart international efforts to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the Syrian government fully restricted Jewish emigration, burned, looted and confiscated Jewish property, and froze Jewish bank accounts.

When partition was declared in 1947, Arab mobs in Aleppo devastated the 2,500-year-old Jewish community and left it in ruins. Scores of Jews were killed and more than 200 homes, shops and synagogues were destroyed. Thousands of Jews illegally fled as refugees, 10,000 going to the United States and 5,000 to Israel. All of their property were taken over by the local Muslims.

Over the next few decades, those Syrian Jews that remained were in effect hostages of a hostile regime as the government intensified its persecution of the Jewish population. Jews were stripped of their citizenship and experienced employment discrimination. They had their assets frozen and property confiscated. The community lived under constant surveillance by the secret police. Freedom of movement was also severely restricted and any Jew who attempted to flee faced either the death penalty or imprisonment at hard labor. Jews could not acquire telephones or driver’s licenses and were barred from buying property. An airport road was paved over the Jewish cemetery in Damascus; Jewish schools were closed and handed over to Muslims.

The last Jews to leave Syria departed with the chief rabbi in October 1994. By the middle of 2001, Rabbi Huder Shahada Kabariti estimated that 150 Jews were living in Damascus, 30 in Haleb and 20 in Kamashili. while two synagogues remained open in Damascus. According to the US State Department, there were about 100 Jews left in country as of 2011, concentrated in Damascus and Aleppo. In 2014 there were 17 Jewish individuals left in Damascus and more than likely none left in Aleppo. Only 9 of these 17 individuals are male, so the community comes up one short of a Quorum (a minyan of 10 adult men required to perform certain religious obligations). All of the Jewish individuals left in Syria in 2014 are over the age of 60. Contact between the Syrian Jewish community and Israel is prohibited.


By 1948, the Tunisian Jewish community had numbered 105,000, with 65,000 living in the capital Tunis.

Tunisia was the only Arab country to come under direct German occupation during World War II and, according to Robert Satloff, “From November 1942 to May 1943, the Germans ... implemented a forced-labor regime, confiscations of property, hostage-taking, mass extortion, deportations, and executions. They required thousands of Jews in the countryside to wear the Star of David.”

When Tunisia gained independence in 1956, the new government passed a series of discriminatory anti-Jewish decrees. In 1957, the rabbinical tribunal was abolished and a year later the Jewish community councils were dissolved. The government also destroyed ancient synagogues, cemeteries, and even Tunis’ Jewish quarter for “urban renewal” projects.

During the Six-Day War, Jews were attacked by rioting Arab mobs, while businesses were burned and the Great Synagogue of Tunis was destroyed. The government actually denounced the violence and appealed to the Jewish population to stay, but did not bar them from leaving.

The increasingly unstable situation caused more than 40,000 Tunisian Jews to immigrate to Israel and at least 7,000 more to France. By 1968, the country’s Jewish population had shrunk to around 10,000.

Today, the US State Department estimates that there are 1,500 Jews remaining in Tunisia,

Yemen Early in 1948, looting occurred after six Jews were falsely accused of murdering two Arab girls and the government began to forcefully evict the Jews. Between June 1949 and September 1950, Israel ran Operation “Magic Carpet” and brought virtually the entire Yemenite Jewish community - almost 50,000 people - to Israel as refugees.

In 1959, another 3,000 Jews from Aden emigrated to Israel while many more fled as refugees to the US and England. A smaller, continuous migration was allowed to continue into 1962, when a civil war put an abrupt halt to any further Jewish exodus.

Today, there are no Jews in Aden and there are an estimated less than 90 Jews in Yemen. The Jews are the only indigenous non-Muslim religious minority and the small community that remains in the northern area of Yemen is tolerated and allowed to practice Judaism. However, the community is still treated as second-class citizens and cannot serve in the army or be elected to political positions. Jews are traditionally restricted to living in one section of a city and are often confined to a limited choice of employment.

Where would these Jews have gone if not for the state of Israel?

And now Hamas -and the likes of you want to obliterate Israel and the Jews in it

That my friend - is ethnic cleaning - and what I say - is never again !

And you - as a  proclaimed Jew who has never heard of the prayer of every Jew (the shma) - right this garbage on your Facebook posts ….

And talk about Zionist bankers that don’t understand win win win

1939 Poland 2 million Jews - today none - 

That is ethnic cleansing


ALL these Jews would NOT have suffered the wrath of Arabs without the ZIonist state ethnic cleansing Palestinians from THEIR land — it’s the Original Sin… 50 years in the planning!

No need to spend any more time convincing me. I have seen the standard boiler plate Hasbara before. Israel has ALREADY lost —— Israel has ONLY 1 friend and present Israel is chosing it’s own destruction

You replied to a participant

Original message:

ALL these Jews would NOT have suffered the wrath of Arabs without the ZI…

And this is what I expect you to say

As a result of this hate - humanity has lost


Zionism poisons your mind, unable to empathise with the pain of others

You sent

No - hate for the Jews poisons your mind


The Jewish banker types MADE Israel happen… You can level ANY accusation, feel free. Deep down you know that’s NOT the truth

You sent

Where is your empathy for the Jews who were in Syria, Tunisia etc …. Should they be able to return to the land here they were born?


That’s how I started becoming a Zionist in teh first place


2000 years ago is NOT where they were born

You replied to a participant

Original message:

The Jewish banker types MADE Israel happen… You can level ANY accusation…

You sent

And I celebrate these Jews who made Israel happen  - whether they were “ banker types, farmers, accountants, doctors or scientists . They have enabled Jews and the Jewish faith to survive and thrive under all odds

Original message:

2000 years ago is NOT where they were born

I was talking about where the Jews were born and had families friends and businesses in the 20th century - where they had homes in Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq , Tunisia and Morocco . I’m talking about where they lived 76 years ago




You replied to a participant

Original message:

ALL these Jews would NOT have suffered the wrath of Arabs without the ZI…

Do you really believe that Syria, Lebanon , Iran and Iraq cared a Zottie about the lives Palestinian people in And around Israel .Hamas don’t even care about the lives of the people they represent . 

What they care about is the same as what you care about - the destruction of Jews

You sent

War crimes - war is a crime! Having to have to defend yourself is a crime! A crime perpetrated by those who want to obliterate you !

You sent

The difference between most  Jews and most Palestinians and people like you ….

-Most Jews mourn the death of innocents - no matter what religion .

- Most Palestinians seem to celebrate the deaths of the Jew and Israelis


You replied to a participant

Original message:

ALL these Jews would NOT have suffered the wrath of Arabs without the ZI…

In Libya, riots against those living in the Jewish quarters occurred in Tripoli in January 1945. Sixty percent of Jewish possessions were destroyed and 135 people were killed; soldiers acted as accomplices to the rioters. Jews were forced to evacuate. Jews in Hara, Tripoli, and Benghazi were put on remand.


Before AIPAC got to Elon Elon Musk went from "Conspicuous Acts of Kindness" to Israel must eliminate Hamas

Only because he learnt the facts

In Algeria, in 1929-1930, many incidents between Arab and Jews occurred in several towns in the Constantine area. On 5 August 1934, a pogrom in the name of jihad took place in Constantine. Twenty-seven people were killed, but the soldiers did not intervene

In Morocco, the Jewish quarter of Fez was ransacked in 1912. In May 1938, pogroms occurred in Oujda (with four Jews killed) and Jerada (thirty-nine killed, thirty injured).


All the FAKE facts like raped women, 40 beheaded babies, he won't be told that Israeli helicopters killed most of the people at the music festival with 30mm rounds and Hellfire missiles... that's where all the burnt bodies came from. Hamas wanted to take hostages for exchange

You sent

In 1948 - 800k Jews were forcibly evacuated from Arab states - where were they to go if not to Israel!!!! 

Oh , of course - they should have been ethnically cleansed from the planet according to you!!


Did you watch how Elon went from a reasonable human being into Zionist Trope

Original message:

Did you watch how Elon went from a reasonable human being into Zionist Trope

You sent

I did - at least he gets it


If you can't KILL 2.3m people there will ALWAYS be mofe


Millions of Palestinians exist in Egypt Lebanon Syria UAE Iraq do you intend to KILL them all?

Just for a small piece of land which was STOLEN?

You replied to a participant

It was not stolen 

Original message:

Before AIPAC got to Elon Elo…

I agree with this


Elon was threatened by AIPAC

I am NOT of type to say my People my Country RIGHT or WRONG!!!  I can discern between what's right and CLEAR WRONG

so let's agree to disagree

Original message:

Just for a small piece of land which was STOLEN?

That’s where up are wrong … it was not stolen ! That land is rightfully owned by the citizens of Israel

You replied to a participant

So ethically cleansing -



ANY sane human will tell you it was STOLEN in 1948 but the planning started from 1897!!!

You sent

Stolen from who?


Zionists can justify ANYTHING in their own minds that's why they are SO dangerous!!!

You sent

Why don’t you just change the word zionists to Jews - and admit to the antisemite that you are


You would CHEAT a gentile JUST because he is not a Jew?

You sent

You are the one that is justifying a bloodbath of Oct 7 and then trying to say it was Israel who murdered these people


You can think ANYTHING that you want --- but you won't allow a free ethical person to think what they want


You are FAR uglier than I expected...

You sent

I agree …


I spent so much time analysing Jewish behaviour & why they were hated by Poles!!!

You sent

You are a rampant antisemite - but I knew you always were


They own the land WE own the buildings!  Name calling is ALL you can do

You sent

Spewing out antisemitic slurs is all you can do

You replied to a participant

Original message:

I spent so much time analysing Jewish behaviour & why they were hated by Poles!!!



I can come to Seder Dinner during Passover and name every dish with all the stories that MOST secular Jews can't

You sent

So have you read the shma


Interacting with you has given the same feeling that disgusted me when I dealt with Settlers!!!


So ready to commit Genocide

You sent


You sent



I am SO SO disappointed Ivan

You sent

As am I- In fact I am not - it is what o expected from you


I embraced Christianity in 2018

You sent

And yet you promote genocide


Those Settlers made me SO ashamed!!!

You sent

And of course blame the Jews for everything bad on this Earth

You sent

What “settlers”


Just look at the venom you spew!!!

You sent

Where do you live ?

I am responding to your venom

And lies

And justifications for pointless murders


I dealt with Settler-types when dealing with IAI

You sent

And justification for genocide

And understanding why poles committed genocide on Jews


You only think it's genocide if Jews are killed... well I support Armenians Assyrian too

Original message:

You would CHEAT a gentile JUST because he is not a Jew?

Where does this come from … if not antisemitism hate



You sent

People like you breed hate - and death



I will be the main instigator of a charity GIVING away $107 billion per year (probably MUCH more now). Partly inspired by tikkun olam & 2AM discussions with a Rabbi

You replied to a participant

Original message:

All the FAKE facts like raped women, 40 beheaded babies, he won't be tol…

Hamas wanted to kill Jews and obliterate the state of Israel - that is their charter - and this will be defended


Like I said READ Likkud's 1977 charter


Even PRZiM 7Ps are Jewish inspired...

6P is Promissory... land of milk & honey (Schlaraffenland)

7P is Prophetic (Jesus the lighthouse)

Original message:

Interacting with you has given the same feeling that disgusted me when I…

You feel disgusted with yourself. A because you know what you are saying is wrong ! And you cannot reconcile what you know what’s right to what you are spewing on Facebook


Nelson Mandela — 'We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.'

I can put up people like Mandela Tutu Einstein 

WHO can you put up

You sent

And you really really want Jews to disappear from the planet


You LOVE spewing BS

You sent

As you said - So ready to commit Genocide

No - I will defend what I believe is right - and call out what I see is genocide or The desire to commit genocide


You are quite pathetic as a Human being but I guess I was still hoping

You replied to a participant

Original message:

You are quite pathetic as a Human being but I guess I was still hoping

Talk about name calling 


You ONLY call it genocide if it's against Jews & Zionists

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