Monday, September 11, 2023

A way to sell more ribbon

Yellow Ribbon 

שנה טובה

The Jewish peddler, Yankel Goldstein, in his late 80s and still gainfully employed as a ribbon salesman, has been trying, unsuccessfully, to sell ribbon to Macy's for many years.

Last week, he made another attempt to speak with the anti-Semitic buyer.

"Goldstein," the buyer says, "you've been trying to sell me ribbon for at least 25 years. Now is your chance. Send me enough yellow ribbon to reach from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis."

Three days later, four tractor trailers full of yellow ribbon drive up to Macy's receiving dock. The ribbon buyer goes ballistic. 

He calls Goldstein and yells, "What's going on??? I only ordered enough yellow ribbon to reach from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis, and you send me four truck loads full of it!"

Goldstein replies calmly: "The tip of my penis is in Poland."

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