Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Nussbaum and Son

Abe Nussbaum had built up a flourishing textile company. When his son Phil graduated from business college he joined his father’s company as an advisor and, naturally enough, the firm’s name changed to Nussbaum and Son. His first few suggestions were gratefully appreciated and acted on by his dad. Then one day, after a couple of months, he came into Abe’s office. “Dad. We need to modernise and make our image slicker. For starters I think we should shorten our name and get rid of the ‘’baum”. Fine by me, son” said Abe and so the change was actioned. 
All seemed well initially but after only two days Leah, the long serving receptionist, burst into Abe’s office “Boss- I’ve had enough- I’m quitting!” “What do you mean” replied Abe- obviously rather taken aback. “You’ve been an great asset to the business since we started up twenty years ago” 
“All very well for you to say that” said Leah “but whenever someone calls or comes in and asks for Mr Nuss you don’t have to ask if they want Mr A. Nuss or Mr P. Nuss!”

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