Monday, May 8, 2023

A Yiddishe Granny

The community, children and grandchildren of Naomi Kaye share a few snippets of their memories of an amazing Granny 

May your memory always be a blessing Nomes !!

A child’s tribute to his mum 

A Rabbi’s tribute to an amazing lady 

My brother Ryan Klibansky and I were lucky to say a few a words and my granny’s funeral today. Here is what we said to honour her:

We're here today to remember a woman whose voice was so distinct, it could have been a bird-call in the South African wilderness. Seriously, if we ever got lost in a shopping centre as children, we’d just have to listen for that high-pitched South African accent, and you'd find your way back to her.
Granny was the embodiment of love, with those kind, warm blue eyes that could melt the heart of even the most hardened cynic. Her loving kindness and generosity were legendary. She always had a bowl of chocolates and lollies on hand for visitors, making everyone feel welcome and cherished. Granny had a gift for making everyone feel special. Her home was always open, her table always set, and her arms always ready for a hug. She was the glue that held our family together, the thread that wove us all into the beautiful tapestry of love, laughter, and shared memories.
Her strong Jewish values and identity were the cornerstone of our family. She showed us the importance of tradition and faith, and she instilled in us a sense of pride in our heritage. She was the matriarch of our family, always at the center of Shabbat dinners, lighting up the room with her energy and positivity. Her family-centric approach made us feel safe and loved, like the times we'd sleep in her bed with Grampy, knowing we were in the most secure and warm embrace.
She was a force of nature when I fell ill. My parents were away, and she swooped in like a superhero nurse from a comic book - she practically had a cape. You know, I couldn't leave the house until I was better, which at the time felt like house arrest with chicken soup, but looking back, it was one of the warmest memories I have.
Our dear Granny was the epitome of resilience and adaptability. Who could forget when she, at the ripe young age of 80, decided to conquer Facebook? Not only did she master it, but she became the reigning Facebook queen. Her love of socialising and connecting with people knew no bounds. She had a busier social life than all of us combined.
There is a Jewish saying, "A mother understands what a child does not say." Granny had that same gift. She could see right through our brave faces, straight into our souls, and offer the comfort we didn't even know we needed. It's in those moments of vulnerability that we truly experienced the depth of her love.
Granny was a tireless champion of our dreams and aspirations. Her belief in us was the wind beneath our wings, propelling us to reach greater heights. She was our greatest cheerleader, always ready with a word of encouragement or a loving arm or back tickle to soothe our anxieties.
We will miss her, yes, but let's also remember the lessons she taught us. To love unconditionally, to give generously, to cherish our family, and to live life to the fullest. She taught us that life is not just to be lived, but to be celebrated, to be savoured, just like her famous cheesecake and lemon and herb chicken.

Granny's greatest joy was found in her family, and she wore that joy like a badge of honour. Her children, grandchildren, and her six great-grandchildren – Nate, Corey, Allira, Maya, Sienna, and Freya – were the brightest stars in her sky. They would seek her out, drawn to her warm presence, just to sit with and be with her. Their love for her was a testament to the love she gave so freely. Granny's memory lives on in each of them, and in us, as we cherish the countless precious moments we shared.
So, here's to Granny, a woman of great strength, warmth, and immense love. A woman who was a beacon of light in all our lives. We love you, we miss you, and we celebrate you today, tomorrow, and always.
May your memory be a blessing, your spirit a guide, and your love a comfort as we navigate life without you physically, but with you forever in our hearts.

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