Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Chag Sameach - have a great Passover

How do we “free ourselves” from slavery and achieve the freedom and happiness that we all strive for? 

Maybe through the sharing of stories , songs , family and friends? 
focusing on gratitude, community, collaboration , connection and tzedakah (charity )?

Chag Sameach , happy Passover , Mubarak Ramadan and Happy Easter

Here are a few pesach tunes 

 Mubarak Ramadan Happy Easter  Happy Passover  

To have empathy and to  Share  our resourcesTo be grateful https://youtu.be/fjz4Qxh6lEA

To celebrate Friendship and community

It is this knowledge  and these actions that will set us free 

May the matzah be with you :)

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