Thursday, April 6, 2023

A bridge too far

I'll pass . . . 

Daisy, an au-pair, is looking for a new family to work for, so when her friend shows her an ad in the Jewish Chronicle for someone to look after a family of four, she immediately applies for the position. During her interview, Rachel, the lady of the house asks her, "So Daisy, tell me, why did you leave your last position?" 
"Well, madam," replies Daisy, "I can’t complain about the money, I got a fair wage. I left because there were weird things going on there." 
"What do you mean by that, Daisy?" asks Rachel. 
"Well madam," replies Daisy, "one night a lot of folk were at the house to play a game called Bridge. They asked me to help out serving the drinks. Just as I was about to enter the lounge with my tray, I heard a man say, ‘lay down and let me see what you’ve got.’  So I didn’t enter. How could I? 
Then I heard another man say, ‘I’ve got strength but no length.’  And then, when I heard a third man say to a lady, ‘take your hand off my trick,’ I was shocked to hear the lady reply, ‘you forced me, you jumped me twice when you didn’t have the strength for one raise.’ 
Then I heard one lady talking about protecting her honour, and soon after that I heard another lady say, ‘Now it’s time for me to play with your husband and you can play with mine.’ 
Finally, when I heard one of the men say, ‘I think we’ll go home now, this is my last rubber,’ I decided then and there to leave. So I put on my hat and coat and walked out, never to return."

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Chag Sameach - have a great Passover

How do we “free ourselves” from slavery and achieve the freedom and happiness that we all strive for? 

Maybe through the sharing of stories , songs , family and friends? 
focusing on gratitude, community, collaboration , connection and tzedakah (charity )?

Chag Sameach , happy Passover , Mubarak Ramadan and Happy Easter

Here are a few pesach tunes 

 Mubarak Ramadan Happy Easter  Happy Passover  

To have empathy and to  Share  our resourcesTo be grateful

To celebrate Friendship and community

It is this knowledge  and these actions that will set us free 

May the matzah be with you :)

Monday, April 3, 2023

Happy holidays - it’s the power of the dream !!

As we celebrate Easter, Pesach and Ramadan Mubarak - throughout the world, we all reflect on the power of stories , community, tzedakah (charity)  and gratitude !

It’s a time when families get together and celebrate life!!!

It’s about the power of the dream!!

We are living in interesting times 
With the magic of AI , chatgpt , web3 , instant communication and the metaverse promising great things (and some not so great things )!!

We live in an era of increasingly splendid machines and overpowering intelligences. 

Can AI can be used to “amplify” humanity?

To truly grasp the technical  benefits we need to continue to explore fields like philosophy, psychology, history, fiction and story-telling .

How do we “free ourselves” from slavery and achieve the freedom and happiness that we all strive for? 

Maybe through the sharing of stories , songs , family and friends? 
focusing on gratitude, community, collaboration , connection and tzedakah (charity )

Chag Sameach and happy Passover , Mubarak Ramadan and Happy Easter.

 Mubarak Ramadan Happy Easter  Happy Passover  

To have empathy and to  Share  our resourcesTo be grateful

To celebrate Friendship and community

It is this knowledge  and these actions that will set us free 

May the matzah be with you :)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Eddie Joe And Chuck

Rabbi Cohen had three beautiful daughters! They all had first dates on the same evening, so the rabbi insisted that he meet each gentleman before the date started!

 The first one came and said, “Hi! My name is Eddie, and I’m here to take out your Betty! We are going to dinner, and eat spaghetti!“

The rabbi smiled and said to have a good time! 

The second date showed up! “ Good evening! My name is Joe! I am here for Flo! Is she ready to go?“

The rabbi smiled and wished them a good evening! 

The third date showed up! “Good evening! My name is Chuck!”

The rabbi kicked him out!