Monday, September 13, 2021

Church Bells, Fire sirens and a bissela luv

Thanks Malcolm Steingold 

A beautiful young celebrity was being interviewed after the passing of her 91 year old husband. He was a Jewish billionaire who shall remain nameless. Reporter: “You just married him because he was rich and powerful didn’t you? How could a beautiful young woman enjoy making love to a 91 year old little Jewish man?”  The young woman replied “you are wrong. I loved him dearly and he was the best most considerate lover I have ever had. We used to make love once a week on a Sunday to the rhythm of the church bells.” The reporter responded. That is incredible but very romantic”. The beautiful young woman responded “Yes I know. I miss him so much and if the fire engine had not gone past our house last Sunday he would still be alive.šŸ˜¢ Sigh.”

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