Saturday, July 3, 2021


Bernie gets word that his elderly father is in a hospice in Florida and his death is imminent.
 Bernie who has not spoken or contacted his father for sometime hurries to his bedside.
 He rushes to his father’s bedside and clutches his hand and says he is sorry for being so distant for all this time.
 He asks his father , that since he is the only heir, “Poppa , I’m so sorry I’ve been so distant, but what are you doing with your bank accounts, your art collection, your condo, your Cadillac?
 The old dying man motions Bernie to move closer and whispers in his ear “ gay”
 Bernie is taken aback he does not understand, he asks his father 
“ Poppa are you saying you are gay and leaving everything to your lover?”
 His father whispers again “ nein, nein, gay”
 Bernie still doesn’t understand and says “ Poppa do you think I’m gay and will give all your riches to my lover?”
  The old man gathers all his remaining strength and says as clearly as he can, “ nein, Nein, du nischt fashtain, GAI KAKEN”

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