Monday, May 24, 2021


A little old Jewish man is sitting on the beach in Miami Beach reading his newspaper. 

A little old Jewish woman walks over to him and says "Pardon me you're new in town aren't you?

"Ya" he grunts not moving and still reading his paper.
"Do you like going out dancing?"
"Mm" he grunts still focused on his paper
"Do you like the theater?"
"Do you like fine dining"? 

Finally in desperation to get some kind of response from him she tries "Do you like pussycats?"

Suddenly he drops his paper, looks her right in the eye, walks over to her, takes her to the ground and makes mad passionate love to her right there on the beach, 

After they're finished she turns to him and says "How did you know what I really wanted?"
To which he replies "How did you know my name was Katz?"

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