Friday, April 30, 2021

Mr Goldberg fired from the Convent

A Jewish man gets a job at a Convent as a handyman.

He is a very hard worker an d does all that is asked of him , but one day he is called into the Mother Superior’s office.
 He enters and she is at her desk looking very stern.
 She clears her throat and says “ Mr. Goldberg, I am very sorry but I have to let you go”
 “Why?” He asks “did I not do a good,job?”
  “ Yes, you did a good job”, so replies, “ in fact you did such a good job that we overlooked a lot of things you did, we didn’t get upset when you washed your socks in the holy font, nor did we get upset when you called Jesus  Yussel  everytime you walked past, we didn’t even mind when you demanded that part of the refrigerator be kept kosher, but I’m sorry Mr. Goldberg, you called me Mother Shapiro for the last time!’

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