Friday, March 12, 2021

Funny Joke to a boss

Thanks Victor Perton 

This made me #laugh!  Saturday humour!

"My boss just emailed me and told me to send her one of my funny jokes. 

"I replied, "I'm working at the moment. I'll send one later."  

"She writes back, "That was awesome! Send me another one."

Got a funny joke to share?

Photo today is dawn at Port Melbourne....  wading in the cool water with a warm breeze billowing around me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Jewish Barbie for sale

The last time I was I New York, my daughter requested that I bring back a Barbi doll. So I stopped in a toy store in the Jewish area and started looking around.
      "How much is this Barbie doll set?"
      "$19.95." the Jewish merchant answered.
      "How much is the set here, Barbie at the beach?"
      "Also $19.95."
      I eyed another set, "how much is Barbie in the discotecque?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "And this one here, Barbie at home?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "Well, what about this one, Barbie goes shopping?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "O.K., how about this, Barbie gets married?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "And this, Barbie plays tennis?"
      "Also $19.95."
      "What about this one. Barbie get a Bat Mitzvah?"
      "Also $19.95."
      I eyed the last one and hoping for a lower price asked, "How much is this, Barbie gets a divorce?"
      "Ah, dots $199.95!"
      "Wow, why so much?"
      "Vell, dot comes vit Ken’s car, Ken’s wardrobe, Ken’s house, und, Ken’s benk account!"