Thursday, January 21, 2021

Jewish Genie

A little old Jewish man is walking on the beach near old Jaffa when he trips on something.  He looks down, and there is an ancient oil lamp.  Upon rubbing the lamp, a genie appears.   

"Oh, Master, I have been in that lamp so long that I am afraid I can only grant you one wish."

For the purpose of our story, the man just happens to have a geological survey map in his pocket.  Showing the genie the map, he says, "You see the oil under all of these Arab states?  I'd like you should move it under the State of Israel."

"Oh, Master.   I told you that I am weak and have been in the lamp so very long.   That is a very hard task you ask of me.   Is there anything else that I might do for you?"

"Well, genie, my wife and I have been married for many, many years, but she has never even touched my privates.  I would like you to have her perform oral sex on me, and like it so much she wants to do so regularly."

"May I please have another look at that map?"  the genie replied.

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