Saturday, December 26, 2020

2 women talking Coronavirus

Two old Jewish ladies talking ,
Rivka- " I heard that your husband has Corona Virus ?"
Devorele – yes nebach its true
Rivka – what are you doing for him?
Devorele – Velll , for breakfast I give him matza , plain Matza
For Lunch , I give him again Matza mitten de thinnest shmear of jam or peanut butter
And for dinner I give him matza with a shmear of mayonnaise , pastrami and the thinnest pickles on top ?
Rivka – and is it helping ?
Devorele – how should I know ? it’s the only thing that slides under his doorπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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