Saturday, October 3, 2020

Thanks for the Broccoli

Thank You Hashem

Rabbi Feldman decided that it was time for his kids to show more gratitude.

“Children,” Rabbi Feldman said one night at the Shabbos table, “Hashem wants us to be grateful. That’s why we make blessings before we eat. But I want us to do more. Let’s go around the table and everyone should list things that they’re thankful for. Moishie, you go first.”

Little Moishie Feldman cleared his throat and began. “Well I’m thankful for Mommy, and I’m thankful for Abba. And Bubbie and Zadie. And all of my brothers and sisters. And this beautiful Shabbos meal. And especially the dessert. And...” suddenly Moishie paused, and everyone waited – and waited. After a long silence, Moishie looked up at his father and asked, "If I thank Hashem for the broccoli, won't He know that I'm lying?"

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