Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The best drosh on Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre

Yom Kippur is a day of when Jews fast and atone for their sins. 

It starts with a holy prayer called Kol Nidre - which is a Prayer in Aramaic - saying that all your vows and promises made are annulled and you start the year afresh .

Rabbi YYJacobson shares a  brilliant drosh. It hits the right spot, full of wisdom, insights, inspiration and humorous stories .

  • The camel story
  • The story of the man wanting 38C
  • The importance of getting rid of preconceived ideas and being able to achieve your potential
  • And many more 
It’s well worth finding a quiet spot and listening to this for 54 minutes. You will love it 

. May you and your family be inscribed in the Book of Life for goodness, kindness, health & prosperity.

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