Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rosh Hashannah in Oz

We have completed another orbit around the sun only to find ourselves where we started, again. 

So we reach out to each other to say hi and know that there is a place in our hearts for each of you. 

Rosh Hashanah brings to mind those near and dear to us, and gives us a chance to reflect on the past year, and journey to date... and allows us to recalibrate .... where to from here.

It’s a time for introspection and bring grateful. 

Being grateful for being surrounded by family and by friends who have become family.

Being grateful of living at this exciting “inflection point” of our journey, where innovation, connection, collaboration and a senses of community is bringing the planet closer together. 🌏 

Being aware of the issues that affect us , and having the tools 🧰to be able to do better. 

Robyn and I are still privileged to be able to work, and am grateful that we both seem to love what we do.....

Tanya and Jed have a baby... Maya.... (now 9 months) who is incredulous, helpless and is no question - “the boss” and in complete control. 

Tanya has just celebrated her 30th orbit 🌏on Sunday .... and goes back to work at KPMG this week.

Jed and his mum, Nicca, work with a team of Architects (CaveUrban) designing and  building sustainable buildings and art installations around the world - with bamboo as a medium. 

Heidi is teaching English and History in the Northern Territory ... continually looking for ways to make the lives of those around her a little better. 

May the coming year bring peace, joy, love and light to you and yours.

Ivan, Robyn, Tanya, Jed, Heidi and Maya 

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