Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Unprecedented has gone - we said gai avek and Zai Gesond

Trump says I’m doing such a good job - I’m going to give myself a shekoach 

Bring on dr fuercucta - he tells us to wash our hands - and says mr trump you are doing such a good job - shekoach to you 

Bring on Mrs brexit - dresses up like she’s going to a batmitzva! - she says stay avay from each other - and that mr trump is doing such a good job

Donald trump has a gamorah Kop - he says make a lechaim with a dishwashing liquid 

The truth - nobody knows 

We have for you a breaking - what’s a breaking - zebrokkene news - ?

The unprecedented came to us in Williamsburg - we said Shalom aleichem - we then said Zai gesund and Gai  avek 

There is no more unprecedented in Williamsburg

Come to Williamsburg as my guest

Chup a mask - vosh your hands 

See you Shabbes a fortnight