Friday, April 12, 2019

Truth is stranger than fiction

From my friend Ilan Elkaim . A story retold to him by Holocast survivor Mr Krausz 

A religious Jewish man was on a flight in the 1990’s from London to New York. Late in the afternoon he walked the aisles of the plane asking for volunteers to help make a minyan at the back of the plane for the observant Jews to have their minchah/ maariv or evening prayers. He stopped next to one elderly man and asked him if he were Jewish. The old man said he was. The religious man asked him if he would mind helping make the minyan, the quorum of 10 men needed to say certain prayers. The elderly man refused and became angry and emotional. 

“Leave me. I was in Auschwitz. I lost my wife and 4 children in the gas chambers. Where was God?” he shouted. The religious man apologized and moved on. He found another Jewish man and they proceeded with their prayers. 

The plane landed in NY and everyone went about their way. 3 months later it was Yom Kippur. The religious man was at his “shtibel”, his neighborhood synagogue standing outside when he recognized the elderly man from the plane walking by. 

“How are you?” he enquired as the old man walked past. “I am the man from the plane trip 3 months ago who asked you to make a minyan”

“Oh yes, I remember” replied the old man

“I am very well thanks”

The religious man said “today is Yom Kippur. You told me that you lost your family in Auschwitz. We are about to begin Yizkor (Remembrance) services. Come into shul for a few moments and write the name of your late family on a piece of paper. We will honour them by calling out their names.”

The elderly man thought about it for a moment and agreed. He followed the religious man into the shul and the religious man took the piece of paper to the Rabbi who was about to begin the service. 

The Rabbi read the piece of paper and asked the religious man who gave him the piece of paper. The religious man turned around and pointed to the elderly man at the back and said “he did” The Rabbi called the elderly man and after his protestations simmered down, he went up to the Rabbi. The Rabbi held the piece of paper but did not look at it. “Your wife’s name was Sarah? And your 4 sons were Yakov, Moshe, Yosef and Samuel?” 

“Yes” said the elderly man 

“And they all died in Auschwitz?”

“Yes” said the elderly man

“NO” shouted the Rabbi. I survived”

Son and father met for the first time in-over 45 years Each thought the other had perished. They had been living 5 miles away from each other for many years

And so I pause for Yom Hashoah tomorrow to remember the souls, 6 million of them who never made it

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

7-11 focus on healthy

Inspired by Amy Mcarthy

The organic food market is currently worth upwards of $45 billion and 7-11 wants a share of this pie! 

A store in Dallas is being used as a prototype of things to come for 7-11 where Slurpees and Hotdogs are being replaced by Superfoods! 

The new store 

Right next to the roller grill of hot dogs, sit warmers full of soups like vegetarian tomato basil and gluten-free chili. 

Across the aisle is the “better for you” refrigerator case, filled with grab-and-go lunch items: sandwiches, salads, and plastic bowls filled with a “seasonal blend” of mushy kiwi, grapes, cantaloupe, strawberries, and a single pineapple spear. Thanks to the current dominance of the keto trend, hard boiled eggs; portion-controlled packets of cured meats; cheeses; and cured meats wrapped around cheeses are abundant.

Slurpees are getting the health treatment - and will be just another way to get in your daily dose of superfoods. 

Milkshakes are being replaced with Soylent, and every Red Bull is being replaced with 7-Eleven’s locally-sourced kombucha.

Our favourite fried tortilla chips are being replaced by the gluten-free granola instead. 

Fruit and hard-boiled eggs is replacing Nachos! 

Heaven help me !!

What would you rather have.... the sugar laden slurpee , a bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips and  a mars bar (eaten and drunk in same mouthful) or kombucha and a carrot stick!

I want a 7-Eleven that doesn’t judge me or think I should eat better, especially when I’m laden with beer at 2 a.m. and in desperate need of a  chilli hot dog and a Fanta slurpee - devoured before I have even returned to my car! 

What do you think?