A Jewish guy in a London hotel calls the operator and asks, in broken English with a heavy Lithuanian-Yiddish accent, for the number: *"266419"*
A short time later, there's a knock on the door. When he opens, he sees two beautiful and sexy girls who ask him:
"Are you the guy who ordered *"two shikses for one night?"*

Friday, July 6, 2018

Pole at an optometrist

Polish immigrant goes to spec-savers . 

Optometrist asks if he can read the 7th line on the chart 


Pole says read that ?  ........... He is my cousin 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Marriage and Marijuana

In Canada, the government, in its eternal wisdom, recently passed two laws. 

They are:

1. Legalized gay marriage

2. Legalized marijuana 

Legalizing gay marriage and marijuana at the same time now makes perfect Biblical sense. 

Leviticus 20:13 says: "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned.” Apparently we just hadn't interpreted it correctly before!
